new emrs
Uchiha Clan:
- Sword of Nunoboko
- Transcription Seal: Amaterasu
- Amaterasu
- Amaterasu Flame Wrapping Fire (Shield of Amaterasu)
- Extinguish Amaterasu
- Susanoo
- Susanoo Armor
- Susanoo: Tsukumo
- Susanoo: Kamui Shuriken
- Susanoo: Chidori
- Susanoo: Great Fireball Technique
- Majestic Attire: Susanoo Technique
- Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu)
- Tsukuyomi: Black Dream (Genjutsu)
- Tsukuyomi: Illusionary Dream (Genjutsu)
- Infinite Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu)
- Izanagi (Genjutsu)
- Izanami (Genjutsu)
- Susanoo Genjutsu Technique
- Coercion Sharingan (Genjutsu)
- Genjutsu: Rinnegan
- Genjutsu: Ketsuryugan
- Negative Confusion (Genjutsu)
- Ephemeral (Genjutsu)
- Mind-Controlling Dojutsu (Kotoamatsukami) (Genjutsu)
- Kotoamatsukami: Beam of Light (Genjutsu)
- Amenotejikara (Instantly shift location)
- Amenominaka (Teleport via Dimension)
- Kamui (Inter-dimensional space-time ability)
- Body Flicker Technique
- Sasuke Uchiha's Space-Time Dojutsu
- Shin Uchiha's Space-Time Dojutsu
- Object Manipulation Technique
- Fire Style: Ablation of Thousand Laws Jutsu
- Blade Regalia of Blood-stained Purity
- Chigaeshi
- Demonic Illusion: Sharingan's Mirror
- Sharingan: Hallucination
- Genjutsu: Inverted Dimension
- Forbidden Mangekyou Seal
- Uchiha Style Shurikenjutsu: "Lightning": Triple
- Sword of Kagutsuchi
JB Fangs: JB conjures 13 pods shaped as kunai. The pods can fly at high speed, are extremely versatile, & can shoot lasers. JB can create more complex pods by infusing chakra nature to the pods which is possible by awakening the Eternal Darkness form.
- Swift Release Chakra: Speed x2.
- Ice Release Chakra: Freezing ability.
- Steel Release Chakra: Increased density.
- Wind Release Chakra: Silence.
- Blaze Release Chakra: Cloaked in black flames (Amaterasu).
- Fire Release Chakra: Cloaked in flames.
- Storm Release Chakra: Electro magnetic pulse (EMP).
- Explosive Release Chakra: Explosion ability.
- Earth Release Chakra: Underground movement.
- Boil Release Chakra: Resistance to acid.
- Lightning Release Chakra: Increased piercing capabilities (Chidori).
- Lava Release Chakra: Resistance to heat.
- Water Release Chakra: Resistance to high pressure.
- Star Release Chakra: Intangibility.
- Wood Release Chakra: Creates a trail of organic vines.
- Scorch Release Chakra: Laser x2.
- Magnetic Release Chakra: Magnetic (Attraction & Repulsion).
- Crystal Release Chakra: Invisibility.
- Dust Release Chakra: Smokescreen.
- Dark Release Chakra: Forcefield/Barrier.
Dark Ninja Art:
- Fear Feaster (Genjutsu)
- Fear Puppet
- Demon Night (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet
- Giant Shadow Puppet
- Mini Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Clone
- Multiple Shadow Puppets
- Multiple Shadow Puppet Clones
- Double Shadow
- Animal Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Possession
- Shadow Puppet Transformation
- Shadow Puppet Mirage (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet Infinite Nightmare (Genjutsu)
- Hiding In A Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Chimera
- Shadow Puppet Puppet Master
- Four Arms Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet w/ Legendary Weapons
- Multiple Shadow Puppet w/ Legendary Weapons
- Shadow Puppet w/ Seven Swords of the Mist
- Multiple Shadow Puppet w/ Seven Swords of the Mist
- Shadow Sewing Puppet
- Shadow Necrofear (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet Nine Masked Beast Technique (Menme Style)
- Explosive Shadow Puppet (+ Explosion Release)
- Multiple Explosive Shadow Puppet (+ Explosion Release)
- Blazing Shadow Puppet (+ Blaze Release)
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Performance of 100 Shadow Puppets
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Ultimate Shadow Puppet
- Kinjutsu: Pandemonium
- Shade Troopers Jutsu
- Shade Troopers Jellyfish Form Jutsu
- Shade Entagle Jutsu
- Ghost Fireworks Jutsu
- Shadow Orochi Jutsu
- Genjutsu: Eternal Nightmare Destruction
- Shadow Puppet Binding
- Dark Ninja Art: Shadow Arms
- Dark Ninja Art: Shadow Hound: Summons a Shadow Hound that connects all its senses to you. Its attack cannot be healed.
Chidori Technique:
- Chidori
- Chidori Senbon
- Chidori Katana
- Chidori Shuriken
- Chidori Nagashi (Thousand Bird Current)
- Chidori Laser
- Chidori Beam
- Chidorigan (+ Rasengan)
- Chidori Claw
- Shadow Chidori (Dark Ninja Art)
- Shadow Chidorigan (+ Shadow Rasengan)
- Chidori Whip
- Chidori Drill
- Chidori Lancer
- Chidori Drill Lancer
Susanoo Rakshasa (Similar to Susanoo)
- Left upper hand Susanoo Crossbow
- Left lower hand Yata Mirror
- Right upper hand none
- Right lower hand Sword of Totsuka
Susanoo Rakshasa Dragon Thrower Jutsu
Susanoo Rakshasa Genjutsu (Cast infinite Genjutsu in a 2000m range)
Summoning Technique:
- Altar of the Titans Technique
- Shermie Kaye Acob, Rocel Serrano, & Lyka Paras Arcelao
- Six Paths, Special Paths & Seven Sin Paths
- Uchiha Grand Fraternity Members and/or Saigas
- Drones
- Variants (Refer to summoning folder)
- Vehicles
- Kinjutsu: New World Technique
- Multiple Dragons w/ Carriers
- Gears (Refer to gear folder)
- JB Uchiha's World Inhabitants (Refer to JB Uchiha's world - inhabitants folder)
- Tailed Beasts
- Puppets
- Gourds (Gold Dust and/or Iron Sand)
- [Animal Path] Giant Drill-Beaked Bird - (Green Egg Bombs)
- [Animal Path] Giant Multi-Headed Dog - (Amplification Summoning Technique)
- [Animal Path] Giant Panda
- [Animal Path] Giant Ram
- [Animal Path] Giant Rhino
- [Animal Path] Giant Crustacean - (Violent Bubble Wave)
- [Animal Path] Giant Centipede
- [Animal Path] Giant Snake - Tailed Chameleon
- Gedo Statue - Demonic Statue of The Outer Path - (Demonic Statue Chakra Blast & Demonic Statue Shockwave)
- Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique
- Summoning: Rinnegan
- Summoning: Rashomon
- Summoning: Triple Rashomon
- Summoning: Quintuple Rashomon
- Summoning: Baku
- Summoning: Doki
- Summoning: White Snake Sage
- Summoning: Great Toad Sage
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Satori
- Tool Summoning: Conch Shell Mace
- [Animal Path] Kinjutsu Summoning: Fire Rat
- Animal Summoning: Wolves
- Animal Summoning: Flauclaws (Ferret)
- Animal Summoning: Giant Clam (Clam)
- Animal Summoning: Hylash (Cobra)
- Animal Summoning: Ibuse (Salamander)
- [Animal Path Only] Enma Summoning: Thunderbolt Waltz
- Kinjutsu: Impure World Resurrection
- Kinjutsu Lightning Style: Lightning Bees
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Tengu
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Soul General Mutoh
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Kappa
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Gedou Snake
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Easter Egg
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Origami Monsters
- Summoning: Larvae (Available only if Red Night is active)
- Summoning: Black Knights (Available only if Red Night is active)
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Underworld Guide
- Summoning: Wrath of the Monarchs
- Summoning: Iron Maiden
- Summoning: Ten Terrors of the Underworld
- Summoning: Rafflesia
Sealing/Seal Technique:
- The Seal of Absolute Protection
- The Seal of Absolute Silence (Destroys all senses of a person)
- The Seal of Absolute Power (Grants 1 power)
- The Seal of Absolute Transmission (Teleportation)
- The Seal of Absolute Suppression (Seals the eternal darkness within JB's heart)
- The Seal of Ultimate Summoning (Uchiha Grand Army)
- Special Sealing Technique: The Seal of Absolute Protection & Summoning (Shermie Kaye Acob, Rocel Serrano, & Lyka Paras Arcelao)
- Sealing Technique: Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan Destruction Seal
- Heaven Curse Seal
- Earth Curse Seal
- Seal of Anvil Crawler Transformation Technique
- Secret Sealing Technique: Roen Kodon
- Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal
- Five Pronged Seal
- Very Hiden: Truth and Reality Concealing Shadows Technique
- 5 Point Seal Barrier: Hachi's Gate
- Lightning Seal: Threat Eradication Barrier
- Ancient Technique: Sharingan Altar
- Barrier Talisman: Armoured Eye
- Blood Geist: Blue Blood Hell
- Chakra Draining Seal
- Chūshinhōkai Shinzōsekai
- Combination Sealing Technique: Oceanic Prison
- Convergence of Heaven and Earth
- Covenant of Souls
- Crescent-Shaped Shield Seal
- Cursed Tongue Eradication Technique
- Cursed seal of Paralysis
- Dark Sealing Method
- Dharma Power Seal
- Eikaishin Technique: Guardian Barrier
Genjutsu Torture Chamber Illusions:
- The Razorwire Maze
- The Flammable Jelly
- The Drill Chair
- The Quadruple Shotgun Hallway Trap
- The Bathroom Trap
- The Death Mask (A.K.A. The Venus Flytrap)
- The Electrified Staircase
- The Nerve Gas House
- The Magnum Eyehole
- The Furnace
- The Needle Pit
- The Razorbox Trap
- The Classroom Trap
- The Angel Trap/Ribcage Trap
- The Shotgun Collar
- The Freezer Room
- The Intestine Pool/Pig Vat
- The Rack/The Twisting Crucifix
- The Confrontation/Revenge or Forgive
- The Knife Chair
- The Mausoleum Trap
- See What I See
- Feel What I Feel
- Save As I Save
- Judge As I Judge
- The Pendulum Trap
- The Cube Trap
- The Fatal Five's Tests
- The Collar Trap
- The Jar Trap/Three Point of Safety
- The Bathtub Trap/Bridge The Gap
- The Blade Table
- The Final Test/Trust or Disbelieve
- Eye Vacuum Trap
- Pipe Bomb Trap
- Bone Marrow Trap
- Brain Surgery Trap
- Radiation Therapy Trap
- Blood Waterboarding Trap
- Burning Gas Chamber Trap
- Scar Tissue Trap
Dragon Slayer Magic:
- Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
- White Dragon Slayer Magic
- Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
- Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
- Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
- Jade Dragon Slayer Magic
- Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic
- Hell Flame Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sage Dragon Slayer Magic
- Water Dragon Slayer Magic
- Wood Dragon Slayer Magic
- Moon Dragon Slayer Magic
- Law Dragon Slayer Magic
- Earth Dragon Slayer Magic
- Gold Dragon Slayer Magic
- Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
- Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic
- Purgatory Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic
- Gale Dragon Slayer Magic
- Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic
- Flash Dragon Slayer Magic
- Blade Dragon Slayer Magic
- Armor Dragon Slayer Magic
- Corpse Dragon Slayer Magic
- Clinging Dragon Slayer Magic
- Spirit Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sword Saint Dragon Slayer Magic
- Four Beasts Dragon Slayer Magic
- Azure Dragon Slayer Magic
- Yellow Dragon Slayer Magic
- Spark Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sewing Dragon Slayer Magic
Mapping Terrain Technique:
- Secret Technique: Mapping Terrain Technique (Maps three-dimensional terrain accurately within a given range.)
- Secret Technique: Altering Terrain Technique (Alters the terrain within a given range.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Gravity Zone (Manipulate the very gravity of the affected area.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Lava Zone (Targeted area starts rumbling, trembling & heating until ultimately reduced to large collapsing pieces, revealing a pool of boiling lava underneath.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Whirlpool Zone (Prompting a whirlpool to be generated around his person out of nowhere.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Cold Zone (Freezes the entire area.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Gale Force Wind Zone (Generates a strong wind.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Fainting in Agony Zone (Various trapping items & weapons fall to the targets.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Plus White Night Zone (Create a luminous light.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Boiling Water Zone (Cause the water in the surrounding area to increase its temperature & to boil.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Hot Wind Zone (Conjure a hot wind & hurl it towards his target.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Iceberg Zone (Summon icebergs that doesn't melt easily.)
Territory Technique:
- Forbidden Word: By removing letters or words from the alphabet, making them Taboo & whoever speaks the taboo words loses their soul. It's notable that it's not the words that are taboo, but the arrangement of letters in a specific order that is not allowed.
- Forbidden Rage: JB is able to forbid any and all violence. Whenever an act of violence is about to occur, an impenetrable barrier appears & blocks it.
- Forbidden Law: A seal is placed on a person which contains a specific law. When the seal bearer breaks the law, a punishment will be inflicted on the bearer or their loved ones.
- Forbidden Law - Eternal Love: The seal bearer is not allowed to love another person or else that person will die a gruesome death before the bearer's eyes.
- Territory Forbiden Power: A circular seal is placed in a certain location with a range of 1000 meters. People who enters the affected area are not able to use any of their powers or abilities. The only excepted individuals who can use their powers are JB, Uchiha Grand Fraternity Co-Founders, and Division Elite Captains.
Lanza del Relámpago: Creates a javelin-like weapon using his spiritual power. He can use this weapon as a projectile or as a melee weapon. When thrown, it produces an incredibly destructive explosion on impact creating a large crater to 170–300 kilometres range.
Chip: JB creates a highly advance nano-tech drone that acts as a CCTV. JB uses this ability along with Broadcast to show a realtime live video feed around the entire world.
Broadcast: Allows JB to hack every devices in the world that can view videos. Devices affected by this ability cannot be turned off even when unplugged, they will continue to be turned on and play the video feed. JB uses this ability along with Chip to announce realtime live video feed around the entire world.
The Goal of All Life is Death: It strengthens the instant death effect of magic and skills to the point of bypassing any immunity or resistance and killing their targets after a certain amount of time has passed. JB uses this special skill with '(Widen Magic) Cry of the Banshee,' and it kills everything in 100 meters.
Great Reversal of Reality and Death: Allows JB to change the course of reality for him or others around him at a multiversal range. This ability is similar to Izanagi but has a wider range and the does not have any side effect to the user of the ability.
Death Seven Darts: JB traps his targets under a powerful genjutsu. The target's must compete against each other in a game of darts which the first person to score 500 wins and is set free. However, there is a twist to how the game works. Instead of just ordinary coloration on the board with numbers, the design on each number represents the organs of the players. Every time the dart hits a corresponding organ on the board, it will inflict damage to the corresponding player. Additionally, if the dart hits the heart or brain displayed on the board, it will mean instant death to the opposing player.
Final Payload: One of JB's ultimate technique. First, JB creates several shadow clone and each will power up using specific form from certain anime universe. The each clone will attack using the most powerful attack from the form they have take and JB himself will also launch an attack using one of his most powerful attack combined with Limit Breaker.
- Clone #1: Perfect Ultra Instinct w/ Super Kamekameha
- Clone #2: Ultra Ego w/ Final Flash
- Clone #3: Perfect Susanoo w/ Indra's Arrow
- Clone #4: Asura Kurama Mode w/ Six Paths Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Clone #5: Gear 5 Sun God Nika w/ Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun
- Clone #6: One For All 100% w/ United States Smash
Master Morpher: Gives JB the ability to morph into any Ranger forms at will by utilizing a crystal frequency transducer that can quick cycle between the Power Coins stored within it.
Temporal Echo: Allows JB to send short messages to his past self about incoming decisions.
Amenominaka: JB replaces the world around him with one of his personal dimensions; everyone near JB at the time will experience the same change of place. Unlike most space–time ninjutsu, where users move themselves to a destination, JB moves the destination to himself.
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Allows the user is able to open rifts in the fabric of space that allow them to instantaneously transport themselves to another location. The openings can be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension, or to create a pathway that links two dimensions together. By entering these spacial tears, the user is able to retreat, disorient enemies, or execute ambush attacks at a moment's notice.
All-Killing Ash Bones: A certain-kill technique, the user hardens their own bones and protrudes them out of the skin, and then fires these weaponised structures from their back or from their palms at the intended target. When these bones pierce a living organism, the bone and target starts to deteriorate at a molecular level, disintegrating the victim and reducing their bodies to nothing more than a pile of ash. This ability is an extension of his Bone Manipulation ability.
Explosion Release Technique:
- C0
- C1
- C2
- C3
- C4
- Explosion Release: Exploding Palm (Gari)
- Explosion Release: Landmine Fist (Gari)
- Explosive Clay
- Explosive Clay Dolls
- Explosive Landmines
- Suicide Bombing Clone
Get Ability Technique:
- Itachi Uchiha's Yata Mirror
- Itachi Uchiha's Sword of Totsuka
- Sasuke Uchiha's Susanoo Crossbow
- Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku
- Ultimately Hard Absolute Defence: Shield of Shukaku
Lava Release (Fire + Earth) Technique:
- Lava Golem Jutsu
- Lava Style: Melting Apparition Jutsu
- Lava Style: Raining Debris Jutsu
- Lava Style: Blaze Wall Jutsu
- Lava Style: Intense Flow Jutsu
- Lava Style: Lava Saliva Jutsu
- Lava Style: Lava Snake Bullet Technique
- Lava Style: Slaying Fire Dragon Jutsu
- Lava Style: Super Demon Blast Cannon Jutsu
Explosion Release Technique:
- C0
- C1
- C2
- C3
- C4
- Explosion Release: Exploding Palm (Gari)
- Explosion Release: Landmine Fist (Gari)
- Explosive Clay
- Explosive Clay Dolls
- Explosive Landmines
- Suicide Bombing Clone
- Explosive Clay: Twin Birds
- Explosive Clay: Snake
- Explosion Release: Ominous Detonation
Storm Release (Lightning + Water) Technique:
- Allied Shinobi Forces Technique
- Sage Art: Storm Style Light Fang
- Storm Style Secret Technique: Demon Dragon Storm
- Storm Style: Laser Circus
- Storm Style: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave
Mud Release (Earth + Water) Technique:
- Mud Style: Bottomless Mud Hole
- Mud Style: Landslide
- Mud Style: Mud Doll
- Mud Style: Muddy Water Wall
Rasenshuriken Technique:
- Wind Release: Rasenshuriken
- Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Mini-Rasenshuriken
- Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken
- Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken
- Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero
- Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken
- Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Wind Release: Repeated Rasenshuriken
- Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
Boil Release (Fire & Water) Technique:
- Vapor Style: Skilled Mist Technique
- Vapor Style: Unrivalled Strength
- Vapor Style: Erupting Propulsion Fist
- Vapor Style: Erupting Strong Foot
- Vapor Style: Steam Dash
Eye of Mirror Secret Technique:
- Grants Strong Vision And Perception, But Brings Huge Physical Burden.
- Crescent Eye of Mirror (Rebound's genjutsu.)
- Mirror of Passion (Violet blaze of flames.) (Amaterasu)
- Mirror of Grace (Tsukuyomi)
- Mirror of Strength (Susanoo)
- Mirror of Freedom (Izanagi).
Limit Breaker Technique:
- Ultra Instinct/Ultra Ego/Super Saiyan 2
- Lightning Release Armor
- Truth Seeker Ball Technique
- Armament Haki
- Conquerer Haki/Intimidation Technique
- Hallowfication
- Tool Creation Technique
- Shadow Wolf Chakra Mode
- Emperor of Time
- Incomplete/Complete Susanoo
- One For All 100%
- Shadow Drive Dragon Slayer Magic
- Heaven Curse Seal Stage 1
- Bankai
Transformation Technique:
- DNA Transformation
- Iron Transformation
- ML Transformation
- Djinn Equip Transformation
- Armor Hero Transformation
- Kamen Rider Transformation
- Beetleborg Transformation
- Digimon Transformation
- Hero Transformation
- Soul Transformation
- Power Ranger Transformation
- Magin Bone Transformation
- Machine Empire Transformation
- Demonic Transformation
Uchihanary Transformation Technique:
- Uchihanary Transformation - Constellations
- Uchihanary Transformation - Tree
- Uchihanary Transformation - Whirlwind
- Uchihanary Transformation - Giant Pinwheel
- Uchihanary Transformation - Sun
- Uchihanary Transformation - Planet
- Uchihanary Transformation - Drill
- Uchihanary Transformation - Clock
- Uchihanary Transformation - Patch of Matter
Bone Manipulation/Bone Magic/Shikotsumyaku
- Finger Drilling Bullet
- Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets
- Dance of the Camellia
- Dance of the Clematis: Flower
- Dance of the Clematis: Vine
- Dance of the Larch
- Dance of the Seedling Fern
- Dance of the Willow
- Maximized Bone Magic: Thousand Bone Lance
- Maximized Bone Magic: Thousand Bone Lance v2
Code Geass Technique:
- The Power of Absolute Obedience (Plant commands within a person's mind upon direct eye contact.)
- The Seal of Absolute Sound (Telepathically hear the conscious thoughts of anyone within a 500 meter radius.)
- The Seal of Suspension (Temporarily suspend time for all individuals paralyzing anyone within the area.)
- The Power that returns all creation into nothingness (Obliteration attack launched by contact of hands.)
- The Power to force own thoughts into others (Telepathic communications & to make people have headaches.)
Code of Immortality (Immortality)
Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Fire Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Wind Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Water Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Earth Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Lightning Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Ice Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Five Dragon Formation Technique
- Storm Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Wind + Lightning)
- Hurricane Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Wind)
- Lava Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Earth)
- Mud Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Water + Earth)
- Steam Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Water)
- Barrier Technique: Five Nature Draken Prison
- Barrier Technique: Dragon Stomach Prison
Rai Sabre Technique:
- Rai Sabre
- Dual Rai Sabre
- Triple Rai Sabre
- Quadruple Rai Sabre
- Quintuple Rai Sabre
- Septimo Rai Sabre
- Septimo Rai Sabre Formation: Explosion
- Kinjutsu: Infinite Rai Sabre
- Secret Technique: Ragnarok Rai Sabre
- Rai Sabre Binding Technique
- Sixteen Rai Sabre Binding Technique
- Kinjutsu: 666 Rai Sabre Barrier Technique
Dragon Claw Technique:
- Dragon Fire Claw (Fire Style)
- Piercing Dragon Claw (Lightning Style)
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Blazing Pierce (Fire + Lightning Style)
- Absolute Zero Claw (Ice Style)
- Dragon Tearing Sky Claw (Wind Style)
- Dragon Smash Claw (Earth Style)
- Torrent Dragon Claw (Water Style)
Deadly Performance Secret Technique:
- Onmyouji - Wonderous Doors (Summon soul of Onmyouji to turn damage to HP.)
- Samurai - One Sword (Summon soul of a Samurai to attack.)
- Soul of Samurai (Summon soul of Samurai to rebound damage.)
- Soul of Onmyouji (Summon soul of Onmyouji to protect from physical damage.)
- Burial of Dead Bone (Summon gravestones from the underworld to damage all targets.)
- Divine Wind of Onmyousamurai (Onmyouji & Samurai fuse together and attack.)
Dark Eye Secret Technique:
- Grants User With Strong Vision.
- Acupuncture - Needle Barrage (Aim at chakra network of target and throw needles to interfere with chakra recovery.)
- Acupuncture - Meridian Anesthesia (Anesthetize yourself to reduce damage and recover health, but interferes with chakra.)
- Meridian Search (Visualize the position of chakra network of target and give better chance to do critical damage.)
- Meridian Strengthen (Strengthen your chakra network system to recover more chakra.)
- Acupuncture - Meridians Destruction (Aim at chakra network of target and acupuncture to interfere with the target's flow of chakra.)
Demonic Transformation Technique:
- Demonic Transformation: Karas
- Demonic Transformation: Lava Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Ice Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Earth Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Diamond Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Werewolf
- Demonic Transformation: Werebat
- Demonic Transformation: Tinman
- Demonic Transformation: Demonhunter
- Demonic Transformation: Titan (Attack on Titan)
- Demonic Transformation: Ghost Rider
- Ghost Rider Technique: Penance Stare
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Cycle
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Horse
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Crane
- Demonic Transformation: Spawn
- Spawn Technique: Necroplasm
- Spawn Technique: Necroplasm Chains
- Demonic Transformation: Hollow JB Uchiha
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Soul-Body Separation
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Acidic Touch
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Hollow Flash
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Cero
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Gran Rey Cero
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Black Cavity
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Counter-Membrane
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: High-Speed Regeneration
Hissatsu Technique (Inazuna Eleven Go)
- Seijuu Shining Dragon (Holy Beast Shining Dragon)
- Jinrou Lycaon (Swift Wolf Lycaon)
- Kensei Lancelot (Sword Saint Lancelot)
- Kaitei Neptune (Sea Emperor Neptune)
- Ankoku Shin Dark Exodus
- Bannin no Tou Rook B (Guardian Tower Rook)
- Bannin no Tou Rook W (Guardian Tower Rook)
- Chou Majin Evarth
- Enma Gazard
- Instrumental Maestro Harmonics (Instrumentalist Maestro)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow DF (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow GK (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow OF (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow SH (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Kenou Kingburn B (Wise Soveriegn Kingburn)
- Kenou Kingburn W (Wise Soveriegn Kingburn)
- Ma Senshi Pendragon (Demon Warrior Pendragon)
- Majin Pegasus (Demon God Pegasus)
- Majin Pegasus Arc (Demon God Pegasus Arc)
- Majo Queen Redia B (Witch Queen Redia)
- Majo Queen Redia W (Witch Queen Redia)
- Masaishou Bishop B (Vizier Magic Bishop)
- Masaishou Bishop W (Vizier Magic Bishop)
- Matai Gryphon (Demon Avatar Gryphon)
- Seiei Hei Pawn B (Elite Soldier Pawn)
- Seiei Hei Pawn W (Elite Soldier Pawn)
- Sengoku Bushin Musashi (War God Mushashi)
- Taiyou Shin Apollo (Sun God Apollo)
- Tekki Hei Knight (Iron Horse Warrior Knight)
Tail Beasts:
- Zero Tail Masked Leech: Detect negative emotions, create dark chakra, & read the hearts of others.
- One Tail Shukaku: Can create magnetic forces & manipulate sand.
- Two Tails Matatabi: Can produce blue flames.
- Three Tails Isobu: Can materialise coral.
- Four Tails Son Goku: Can create & manipulate lava.
- Five Tails Kokuo: Can use steam.
- Six Tails Saiken: Can produce corrosive alkali.
- Seven Tails Chomei: Can fly & produce scale powder. Can also create silk that can suppress chakra absorption techniques.
- Eight Tails Gyuki: Can produce ink.
- Nine Tails Kurama: Can quickly regenerate & detect negative emotions.
- Ten Tails Jubi: Can fly, create Truth-Seeking Balls, & awaken the Rinne Sharingan.
Dimension Transportation Technique:
- Mirror/Reverse Dimension
- Dark Dimension
- JB's Dimension
- Anime Dimension
- Server Dimension
- Multiverse Portal Creation
- Shadow Realm
Demon Wolf Technique:
- Barrier Technique: Demon Wolf Chakra Prison
- Mind Activation Shadow Wolf Cloak
- Shadow Wolf Chakra Mode
- Shadow Wolf Beast Ball
- Shadow Wolf Beam
- Spear of Heaven Shadow Wolf Beam Technique
Special Technique:
- JB Uchiha's Kinjutsu: Great Reversal of Reality and Death
- Kinjutsu: Torture Chamber Illusion (Saw movie series traps)
- Kinjutsu: Rust Toxic (Rots anything in the line of sight)
- Sight Banisher Technique (Permanently destroys all ocular abilities within eye contact)
- Secret Medical Technique: Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan Transplant
- Secret Technique: Mind Labyrith Protection
- Secret Technique: Altering Mind Labyrith
- Secret Technique: Virgin Lust Juice Extraction Technique
- Secret Technique: Vital Organs Rearrangement Technique
Demonic Illusion (Genjutsu)
- Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
- Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
- Demonic Illusion: Burning Paper Body
- Demonic Illusion: Butterfly Evolution
- Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell
- Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings
- Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings
- Demonic Illusion: Flower Head Death
- Demonic Illusion: Flying Shadow
- Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing
- Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow
- Demonic Illusion: Nail Paralysis
- Demonic Illusion: Toad Confrontation Chant
- Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
- Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death Explosion
Summoning: Wrath of the Monarchs
- Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
- Thestalos the Mega Monarch
- Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch
- Granmarg the Mega Monarch
- Delg the Dark Monarch
- Kuraz the Light Monarch
- Caius the Shadow Monarch
- Caius the Mega Monarch
- Mobius the Frost Monarch
- Mobius the Mega Monarch
- Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch
- Erebus the Underworld Monarch
- Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
- Zaborg the Mega Monarch
- Ehther the Heavenly Monarch
- Raiza the Storm Monarch
- Raiza the Mega Monarch
- Raiza the Shadow Storm Monarch
- Estrome the Star Monarch
- Estrome the Mega Monarch
- Wilhel the Wisdom Monarch
- Wilhel the Mega Monarch
Earth Grudge Fear Technique:
- Earth Grudge Fear
- Earth Grudge Fear: Kongukan
- Earth Grudge Fear: Final Shot
- Earth Release: Earth Spear
- Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work
- Lightning Release: False Darkness
- Water Release: Water Formation Wall
- Wind Release: Pressure Damage
- Strange Mask Exploding Flame
Star Release Jutsu:
- Mysterious Peacock Method
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Beast
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Join
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Destroy
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Wings
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Dragon
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Chakra Rope
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Chakra Predation
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Choke
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Apparition
Saint Power Secret Technique:
- Saint Soul: Extensive knowledge of chakra control allows the user to enhance its own life regeneration.
- Saint Physique: Releases the user's cell regeneration limit when HP hits critical level.
- Saint Fist: Creates a chakra focal point that discharges concentrated shockwaves to purge all positive status from the targets.
- Saint Light: Perfect chakra manipulation allows the user to impart life energy to others.
- Saint Blessing: Absolute chakra control over oneself enables the user to further enhance life regeneration.
- Unyielding Saint: Unleashes the full potential of 'Saint Power' by pushing all cells in the body beyond its limit.
Crystal Release (Guren) Technique:
- Crystal Armour
- Crystal Style: Crimson Fruit
- Crystal Style: Crystal Encampment Wall
- Crystal Style: Crystal Imprisonment Wave
- Crystal Style: Crystal Lance
- Crystal Style: Crystal Needles
- Crystal Style: Crystal Pentagonal Prison
- Crystal Style: Crystal Wheel
- Crystal Style: Growing Crystal Thorns
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Blade
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Hexagonal Pillars
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Mirror
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Prison Technique
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation
- Crystal Style: Shuriken Wild Dance
- Crystal Style: String of Glory
- Crystal Style: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon
- Crystal Style: The Gods' Crossings Technique
- Crystal: Giant Hexagonal Shuriken
- Crystal: Hexagonal Shuriken: Wild Dance
- Jade Crystal Clone Technique
- Crystal Style: Stalagtite
Wood Release (Earth + Water) Technique:
- All is Suffering
- Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands
- Kanzeon Lotus King
- Mayfly
- Multiple Wood Release Clone Technique
- Sage Art Wood Style: True Several Thousand Hands
- Spontaneous Tree Summoning
- Top Transformed Buddha
- Transmission Wood
- Wood Clone Technique
- Wood Style Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees
- Wood Style: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees
- Wood Style: Cutting Technique
- Wood Style: Foo Dog Heads
- Wood Style: Four-Pillar House Technique
- Wood Style: Four-Pillar Prison Technique
- Wood Style: Great Forest Technique
- Wood Style: Great Spear Tree
- Wood Style: Hand Tool Manipulation
- Wood Style: Hōbi Technique
- Wood Style: Hotei Technique
- Wood Style: Nativity of a Sea of Trees
- Wood Style: Serial Pillar Houses Technique
- Wood Style: Smothering Binding Technique
- Wood Style: Stocks
- Wood Style: Transformation
- Wood Style: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial
- Wood Style: Underground Roots Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Human Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Locking Wall
- Wood Style: Wood Spikes Ring
- Wood Style: World of Trees Wall
Ice Release (Wind + Water) Technique:
- Certain-Kill Ice Spears
- Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals
- Ice Prison Technique
- Ice Style: Black Dragon Blizzard
- Ice Style: Crystal Wall
- Ice Style: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice
- Ice Style: Frozen Capturing Field
- Ice Style: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness
- Ice Style: Ice-Breaking Sledgehammer
- Ice Style: One Horned White Whale
- Ice Style: Swallow Snow Storm
- Ice Style: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger
- Ice Style: Ten Thousand Ice Petals
- Ice Style: Twin Dragon Blizzard
- Ice Style: Whirlwind
- Ice Style: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique
- Ice Sword Technique
- Ice-Breaking Fist
Dark Release Technique:
- Dark Style: Inhaling Maw
- Dark Style: Judgment
Typhoon Release Technique:
- Typhoon Style: Consecutive Bursting Strong Winds
- Typhoon Style: Great Consecutive Bursting Extreme Winds
Swift Release Technique:
- Swift Style: Shadowless Flight
Steel Release Technique:
- Steel Style: Impervious Armour
- Steel Style: Steel Projectile
- Steel Style: Steel Shield Technique
Scorch Release Technique:
- Scorch Style: Extremely Steaming Murder
- Scorch Style: Great Steaming Explosive Blast
Magnet Release (Wind + Earth) Iron Sand Technique:
- Black Iron Fist
- Black Secret Technique: Black Iron
- Iron Sand Clone
- Iron Sand Drizzle
- Iron Sand Gathering Assault
- Iron Sand Marking
- Iron Sand Wall
- Iron Sand Wave
- Iron Sand Weaponry
- Iron Sand World Method
- Iron Sand: Black Iron Wings
- Magnet Style: Conserving Bee Twin Blades
- Magnet Style: Lightning God Self
- Successive Shots Iron Sand Drizzle
Magnet Release (Wind + Earth) Gold Dust Technique:
- Air Gold Dust Protective Wall
- Magnet Style: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral
Dust Release (Earth, Fire, + Wind) Technique:
- Dust Release: Ecophagy of the Abundant World
- Dust Release: Resurrection of the Lamented World
- Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Omni Abilities:
- Omni Manipulation
Sensory Technique:
- Chakra Sensing Technique
- Emotion Sensing Technique
- Energy Sensing Technique
- Negative Emotion Sensing Technique
- Power Sensory Technique: Allows the user to identify other peoples powers
- Vibration Sensory Technique
Vision Adjustment Technique:
- Slow Motion Viewing Technique
- X-Ray Vision
- Night Vision
- Weather Vision
- Infrared Vision
Surveillance Technique:
- Surveillance via Paper Doll: Create a paper doll of a person, able to hear anything being said within the vicinity of the person.
- Surveillance via Water: Ability to see anywhere the water runs.
- Surveillance via Plant: Ability to see anywhere the plant grows.
- Surveillance via Glass: Ability to see anywhere ice or crystal forms.
Absorption Technique:
- Chakra Absorption
- Power/Energy Absorption
- Saiga Absorption
Dream Technique:
- Kinjutsu: Astral Projection Entering Dream Technique
- Kinjutsu: Physical Projection Entering Dream Technique
- Dream Manipulation
- Nightmare Manipulation
Secret Genjutsu:
- Scornful Caress
- Femanine Lust
- Femanine Extreme Lust
- Secret Technique: Femanine Extreme Lust
- Secret Technique: Pleasure Island (F/M)
Basic Technique:
- Quick Mode Change
- Curse Form (Stage 1 & 2)
- Copying Ability
- Hypnosis Ability
- Ability To See The Truth
- Ability To See The Flow of Chakra
- Ability To Track & Predict The Movements
- 360 Vision Technique
- Sight Sharing Technique
- Future Sight Technique
- Ability to see human life span
- Ability to see a persons true name
- Ability to hear the heart beat of a person & identify who that person truly loves
- Ability to cause Yugioh card effects to become real
- Ability to peer into a person's mind or soul & discern what is happening within
- Ability to bond to its bearer's spirit
- Ability to record events using his eyes
- Spirit Sense Technique (Read the memories of corpse)
- Glyphs Technique (Castlevania Order of Ecclesia)
- Eidetic Memory Ability (Photographic memory)
- Transcend The Confines of Time and Space Ability (See The Emotions of All Living Things)
- Magic Techniques
Rasengan Technique:
- Rasengan Uzuhiko
- Five Seals Rasengan
- Rasendan (Spiralling Bullet)
- Planetary Devastation Rasengan
- Rasengan
- Mini Rasengan
- Massive Rasengan
- Shadow Rasengan (Dark Ninja Art)
- Big Ball Rasengan
- Big Ball Spiralling Serial Zone Spheres
- Planetary Rasengan
- Spiralling Absorption Sphere
- Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan
- Compression Rasengan
- Super Compression Rasengan
- Crescent Moon Rasengan
- Deep Crimson Spiral
- Gelel Rasengan
- Gentle Step Spiralling Twin Lion Fists
- Guts Rasengan
- Naruto and Shion's Super Chakra Rasengan
- Parent and Child Rasengan
- Rasengan: "Unison"
- Runt Ball Rasengan
- Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan
- Seven-Coloured Rasengan
- Spiralling Bullet
- Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Spiralling Strife Spheres
- Student and Teacher: Rasengan
- Supreme Ultimate Rasengan
- Tailed Beast Rasengan
- Tornado Rasengan
- Ultra-Many Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Vanishing Rasengan
- Wind Release: Rasengan
- Rasengan: Flash
- Typhoon Water Vortex Technique
- Blazing Rasengan
- Fire Style: Flame Rasengan
- Baryon Rasengan
Antenna Power (Asura Path):
- Revive
- Falling Rock
- Fireball
- Water Gun
- Whirlwind
- Insult
- Icicle
- Tiny Heal
- Awaken
- Chain
- Weak Flash
- Weaken
- Fire Cracker
- On The Rock
- Lullaby
- Always Treasure
- Double Gold
- Cure Poison
- Cure Burn
- Cure Sleep
- Cure Paralysis
- Cure Frozen
- Cure Blind
- Invincible
- Excitement
- Rage
- Wall
- Haste
- Dodge
- Fatal
- Paralyze
- Blindfold
Shadow Extraction Technique (Solo Leveling):
- Enhanced Strength
- Telekinesis
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Defensive Capabilities
- Enhanced Strength
- Shout of Provocation
- Regeneration
- Gravity Magic
- Regeneration
- Hymn of Protection: Conjures a shield around himself or around a target.
- Hymn of the Fire Dragon: Shoots a massive beam of fire from mouth.
- Hymn of the Blazing Fire: Shoots off a wave of fireballs.
- Hymn of Agony: Curses a target with intense pain.
- Hymn of Frenzy: Weakens a target's defense, increasing the amount of damage they take from attacks.
- Hymn of Blindness: Blinds a target.
- Hymn of Slumber: Drains a target of their stamina.
- Hymn of Lethargy: Petrifies a target in place.
- Hymn of Rage
- Hymn of Strengthening: Buffs himself or a target in strength.
- Hymn of Giants: Drastically grows in size using mana.
- Hymn of Combustion
- Flight
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Speed
- Regeneration
- Gluttony: Absorb the skills and knowledge of those he consumes.
- Flight
- Size Manipulation: Increase his strength at the cost of agility and speed by growing in size, and vice versa by compressing the body.
- Paralysis Poison: Spit an extremely concentrated poison from the mouth. This poison is exponentially more toxic than its original version and kills a target in seconds.
- Healing Magic
- Enhanced Strength
- Growth: Grow drastically in size using mana.
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Durability
- Dragon's Fear: Release a mana-infused shout from his soul that would drive those weaker than him into a state of intense despair and panic.
- Dragon's Breath: Able to shoot potent blasts of fire from his mouth.
- Enhanced Strength
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Durability
- Immense Speed
- Flight
- Regeneration
Min Byung-Gyu:
- Healing Magic: Able to instantly heal Baek and Ma Dongwook back to prime condition after the Ant Queen spit poison all over them. He was also able to quickly grow back Ma's arms after the Ant King ripped them off and easily heal Cha back to full health from the brink of death.
- Buff Magic: Buff the stats of his fellow hunters through his spellbook.
- Disguise: Able to blend in with his surroundings and hide all traces of his presence, essentially turning himself both physically and magically invisible.
Ant Queen:
- Poison: Able to spray a large volume of purple poison from her mouth.
Shadow Giants:
- Immense Strength
Domain Expansion:
- Malevolent Shrine: Hits anything within its effective range relentlessly with slashing attacks. JB can customize the range of his technique up to 200 meters. Anything with cursed energy is hit with cleave and inanimate objects are destroyed with dismantle.
- Coffin of the Iron Mountain: Traps the target inside a large volcano hot enough to combust normal sorcerers upon entering. In addition to his pyrokinesis, JB can control the earth within the volcano to attack as well.
- Unlimited Void: Traps the target inside the Limitless, Once inside, flooding them with endless information , rendering them immobile.
- Horizon of the Captivating Skandha: Is a beach area that allows JB to freely control vasts amounts of water as well as several dozen fish-like shikigami.
- Self-Embodiment of Perfection: Allows JB to manipulate the souls of anyone caught inside his domain, discarding the condition that requires JB to touch his target.
- Chimera Shadow Garden: In its incomplete form allows JB to fill an area with thick fluid shadows and summon countless shikigami from them, as well as utilize advanced manipulation of his shadows.
- Smallpox Deity: Traps the target in a coffin, buries them underground using a large falling boulder gravestone, and begins a three count. If the victim can't escape the coffin within those three seconds they'll be infected with smallpox and die.
- Deadly Sentencing: Is a court-themed area that allows JB to impose a trial upon his target. All violence is prohibited in the area and the trials are judged by JB's shikigami, Judgeman. The domain's trials may end in two possibilities, a guilty verdict and an innocent verdict.
- Idle Death Gamble: Is a pachinko-themed domain that enters all participants into a gambling game. If JB is able to hit the jackpot, he gains a temporary boost of unlimited cursed energy.
- Time Cell Moon Palace: Is a domain where everyone must abide by the 24 FPS rule or have every cell in their entire body attacked by lines of animation frames.
- Womb Profusion: Takes the form of a giant pillar of cursed spirits capable of blasting a target into oblivion with its sure-hit effect.
- Threefold Affliction: Expands a domain with mushroom-like appendages floating around an empty space. It guarantees JB's constructed attacks hit their target.
Titan Transformation:
- The Founding Titan: By screaming, could turn Subjects of Ymir into Titans, control the minds of Titans, and alter the memories and bodies of Subjects of Ymir, but only if the inheritor had royal blood or was in contact with a Titan of royal blood. It was connected to all Subjects of Ymir and Titans via paths. JB's form of the Founding Titan is called Doomsday Titan.
- The Armored Titan: Is covered by hardened, armor-like skin, except in key areas necessary for movement. It also possessed the ability to harden its arms and feet into sharper claws which could be used to climb structures such as the Walls
- The Attack Titan: Could receive memories from both past and future inheritors of the Titan. Guided by these memories, it always moved ahead, fighting for freedom.
- The Beast Titan: Could take on the physical characteristics of different animals that vary between its inheritors.
- The Cart Titan: Is quadrupedal and had great endurance that allowed it to stay transformed for long periods of time, as well as transform in rapid succession without needing to rest, hundreds of times per day even. Its speed rivaled that of the Jaw Titan.
- The Colossus Titan: Is enormous and could emit immense amounts of steam from its body like a blast furnace, at the gradual cost of its muscle tissue. The user was able to control the Titan's transformation power and blast radius.
- The Jaw Titan: Is the swiftest of the Nine Titans and had sharp, hardened teeth and claws capable of damaging or breaking almost anything.
- The War Hammer Titan: could materialize various weapons and structures from its own hardened flesh. It could be controlled from afar through a cable of Titan flesh while the user remained hidden within a hardened crystal casing.
Surgical Success: Allows JB to perform any type of surgery with a 100% success rate. Using his Eternal Rinne-Mangekyou Sharingan, the success rate increases to the point the patient makes a perfect recovery with no complication.
Toon Force: An ability that refers to characters manipulating reality or bypassing physical laws of nature in order to achieve impossible feats for comedic effects. The users bend reality in such a way to make situations "Comedic" and "Funny."
Time Manipulation: Allows JB to manipulate time using his Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan. This ability has no limitation allowing JB to fast forward, rewind, or freeze time to however long he wants.
Chrono Stasis: When the tomoe pulsates, time will freeze affecting both living and non-living.
Reverse Stasis: When tomoe rotates counter clockwise, time will rewind.
Quick Stasis: When tomoe rotates clockwise, time will fast forward.
Hairpin: When JB snaps his fingers and a large crimson colored cross appears out of the target's chest killing them instantly. It is unknown how the ability works, but it is noted to be one of his strongest techniques. However, it does drain a lot of energy which prevents him from using the technique multiple times.
Konai Bakuhatsu: Also known as mouth blast or mouth energy wave. JB releases an extremely powerful blast of energy from his mouth.
Fenrir's Might: Transform into a giant ice wolf at will with immense size and strength. You have the power to create armor of ice from your body and your howl can create powerful blizzards.
Nen Master: Allows JB to use every Nen ability from the Hunter X Hunter universe.
God of Pokemon: Allows JB to carry seven pokeballs instead of the standard six. Each pokeball is empty and the Pokemon inside is determined by JB himself on which Pokemon he wants to call for battle. He can also access all the moves along with the abilities of the Pokemon that were summoned. This ability is different from his summoning jutsu which lets JB summon as many Pokemons he wants.
Lord of Alchemy: Allows JB to use every Alchemy abilities from the Fullmetal Alchemist universe.
Giganto Drill Wolf Spiral Flash Destroyer: JB's ultimate technique which requires Limit Breaker technique.
I am Atomic: Magic is concentrated into a sword, leading to a devastating subsequent strike. The impact releases an explosion of magic that disintegrates everything caught inside it
Expansion Orbs: Create orbs that can expand as big as you want, they can phase through enemies and can be expanded around you as a shield.
Maximized Magic: Reality Slash - Creates three attacks that slashes space itself. It is capable of cleaving through the very fabric of space, and a hit from this powerful attack spell can disregard virtually any form of magical defense.
Kinjutsu Super Rejuvenation: JB uses all of his powers (mana, magicule, chakra, ki, etc.) to rejuvenate parts of the world or the entire world back to its prime state fixing any/all damage making everything as good as new. This exhaust so much power that it causes JB to be in a weaken state for a week just to replesh his strenght.
Abysm Strike: JB quickly charges and releases a Fatal Strike.
Plot Armor: Allows JB to be preserved from harm due to his necessity for the plot to proceed despite it not making sense with the logic of the world.
Bunkai Teleport: Stemming mostly, if not completely, from his power to control reality, JB has the power to fade backwards while he is breaking into cubes, very similar to the Instant Transmission, only he does not leave all at once.
Triple Maximized Magic: Call Greater Thunder - When using Triple Maximize Magic with this 9th tier spell, three enormous thunderbolts are created and fused from multiple strands of lightning that can pierce through their target.
(Genjutsu) Cynical Surgical Madness: Traps the target under a powerful genjutsu which the target will be laying down on a surgical table and is forced to watch their body getting disected removing all the organs along with getting chop into several pieces. The pain induced with this Genjutsu is so powerful, it can cause the victim to die.
Absolute Cancel: Allows JB to cancel the effects of any magic.
Powerpuff Kirby: Allows JB to use every form and power of Kirby.
Devil's Coffin: Involves manifesting and opening the devil's coffin on the count of nine. Anyone who hears the counting at a close distance will be forcefully captured into the devil's coffin upon reaching nine. JB claims to get very bad vibes from it and believes it to be something really nasty.
Almighty Mage: Allows JB to use every magic from the Fairy Tail universe, Overlord universe, Seven Deadly Sins universe, Mashle Universe, etc.
Digimon Emperor: Allows JB to summon any Digimon from any level or mode with his Digivice and can access all of their abilities.
Kings Domain: Allows JB to use every Domain Expansion from the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.
Pyromaniac: Allows JB to use every Pyrokinetic abilities from the Fire Force universe.
Cursed Conviction: By awakening his Eternal Darkness Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan, JB can release a large amount of energy around him which can shatter the reality of the entire universe. This also amplifies his abilities which equals to the fusion of all main characters in their prime form of every anime universe.
Biohazard Technique: Allows the user to make anyone sick by revealing the biohazard tattoo on their left palm.
X-Antibody Ability: Immune to 1000 different types of poisons.
Zone: Allows the user to create an impenetrable barrier within 1000m which can only be removed by the user or if the user dies. Nothing can enter or leave the barrier and all sounds are nullified inside and outside the barrier.
Tool Creation Technique: Manifest special red glowing malleable chakra, which floats in chakram-like form behind the back.
Nail Injection Technique: Elongates Pointer Finger Nail & uses as a medical syringe.
Soul Trap: Ability to trap souls in any area the user wishes by touching any part of the target's body.
Spiritualism: Allows JB to host every Spirits from the Shaman King universe and use every Oversoul abilities.
Harvester of Fruits: Allows JB to use every Devil Fruit abilities and Angel Fruit abilities from the One Piece universe.
Eternal Quirk: Allows JB to use every Quirk from the My Hero Academia universe.
Limitless Bankai: Allows JB to use every and all Bankai from the Bleach universe.
United We Stand: Allows JB to use every Stand from the Jojo Bizarre universe.
Master LINK: Allows JB to use every Bow/Arrows, Swords, and Shields along with all of Link's abilities including Sheikah slate power.
Absolute Zero - Ice Age: JB can instantly freeze anything he touches which could reach a range of 1000 meters. However, it does have a side effect which frost starts to accumulate on his body making him slower and breath heavier.
Maximized Magic Gravity Maelstrom: A spiraling black ball of gravity.
Maximized Magic: Thousand Bone Lance - Thousands of bone spikes emerges from the ground and fires at the target similar to a homing missle.
Hissatsu Striker: Allows JB to use every Hissatsu technique from the Inazuna Eleven Go universe.
House of the Nobles: Allows JB to use every Noble Phantasm from the Fate/Stay universe.
8th Tier Maximized Magic: Astral Smite - An attack that is effective against Ethereal beings. This also counts against beings, who are temporarily Ethereal.
Widen Magic: Cry of the Banshee - AoE Spell which can cause Instant Death. When used as 'Widen Magic,' it affects an area of 100 meters around the caster.
Super Duper Mario: Allows JB to use every power-up Mario ever had.
- Bee Mushroom: Bee Mario
- Big Mushroom: Big Mario
- Blue Shell: Shell Mario
- Boo Mushroom: Boo Mario
- Boomerang Flower: Boomerang Mario
- Bubble Flower: Bubble Mario
- Cape Feather: Cape Mario
- Carrot: Bunny Mario
- Cloud Flower: Cloud Mario
- Double Cherry: Double Mario
- Drill Mushroom: Drill Mario
- Elephant Fruit: Elephant Mario
- Fire Flower: Fire Mario
- Frog Suit: Frog Mario
- Giga Bell: Giga Cat Mario
- Gold Flower: Gold Mario
- Hammer Suit: Hammer Mario
- Ice Flower: Ice Mario
- Invisibility Bell: White Cat Mario
- Invincibility Leaf: White Tanooki Mario
- Lucky Bell: Cat Mario
- Master Sword: Link Mario
- Mega Mushroom: Mega Mario
- Metal Cap: Metal Mario
- Mini Mushroom: Mini Mario
- Mystery Mushroom: Costume Mario
- P-Acorn: P Flying Squirrel Mario
- P-Wing: Raccoon Mario
- Penguin Suit: Penguin Mario
- Power Balloon: Balloon Mario
- Propeller Mushroom: Propeller Mario
- Rainbow Star: Rainbow Mario
- Red Star: Flying Mario
- Rock Mushroom: Rock Mario
- SMB2 Mushroom: SMB2 Mario
- Spring Mushroom: Spring Mario
- Statue Leaf: Tanooki Mario/Statue Mario
- Super Acorn: Flying Squirrel Mario
- Superball Flower: Superball Mario
- Super Bell: Cat Mario
- Super Hammer: Builder Mario
- Super Leaf: Raccoon Mario
- Super Mushroom: Super Mario
- Super Star: Invincible Mario
- Vanish Cap: Vanish Mario
- Weird Mushroom: Weird Mario
- Wing Cap: Wing Mario
- Capsule: Dr. Mario
Idle Transfiguration: Allows JB to distort the shape of souls and transfigure their respective bodies as a result.
Saiyan Blood: Allows JB to transform into any Saiyan form from the Dragon Ball universe.
Art Master: Allows JB to use every Blood Demon Art ability from the Demon Slayer universe.
Omega Sonic: Allows JB to access all the powers of Sonic the Hedgehog and can summon any hedgehog from the Sonic universe.
Soul Snatch: Allows JB to steal peoples souls and add their life span to his own.
Soul Dragon: It steals the souls of people that it touches instantly which will result in killing them.
Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon: Grants access to all the world treasure that JB has collected & launches them as the strongest arrows towards his enemies.
Stockpile: Ability to store different types of abilities and/or copies of abilities. The user's body acts as a storage for the abilities, but can also be used by the user of this ability.
Omni-Manipulation: Ability to manipulate anything living to non-living, elemental to non-elemental, and beyond matter of existence.
Mummy: The bandages around parts of JB's body act as a symbiote enabling him to grab things, slice through enemies, and restrain targets. The bandages are extremely durable and strong making it difficult to cut or break. It appears to be an extension of his Fabric Manipulation ability.
The Hollow Titan: Allows JB to use the abilities of all 9 original titans. You can shift into any titan or Hollow Titan which is a mix of all of them all. You can also summon hordes of Attack Titans.
Wizard King: Allows JB to use every magic and Grimoire from the Black Clover universe.
Disruption Cube: Allows JB to summon large black cubes which are capable of interfering with the abilities of Sensor Type individuals. The cubes themselves are very heavy, usually being dropped from above to crush anything below.
Rage: A rare ability that amplifies all of JB's abilities times 1000 when he feels extreme anger.
Lifeforce: Absorb the target's life energy by touching them with your hand.
All Fiction: Allows JB to deny all the effects of reality.
Infinity: Allows JB to stop the time of his spells and make them last for as long as he likes.
Wind Breathing 2nd Form: Claws-Purifying Wind - The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern.
Power Transfer: Allows the user to transfer an ability to another person. The ability can be transferred in two way depending on the user's preference.
Method 1: A ritual in which the person gaining the ability would be sitting in the center of an arcanic circle. This method can take up to 24 hours to be completed. This method will be cancelled if anything happens to the user of this ability or the person being granted the ability. Additionally, if the incantation was interrupted the transfer process will also be cancelled.
Method 2: The user of this ability will bite the person being granted an ability on a certain part of their body which a seal will then be placed. This seal will serve as a contract for the transfer of the ability and can take an hour to two hours for the seal to be completed. This method is much more preferred by JB when transferring abilities to females that are important to him as the seal place also acts as a tracker which allows JB to located the seal bearer's location at all times.
Rashomon Technique: Rashomon is summoned from, but not limited to, JB's coat and any other garments he wears. It transforms into an omnivorous, shadow-like black beast. It takes on a form of a shadow-like beast made up of what seems to be dark matter, drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar sources. It can consume anything, even space itself. Once space is split, guns or fire cannot hurt JB. He can also freely pull himself out from his overcoat in order to free himself when faced in a dangerous situation. It is also capable of digging and slicing the ground so it can be used for stealth purposes, can serve as a foothold for attacks, can be used as a tool to restrain someone, using the ability's fabric as a cast to set his broken bone, or basically a tool to slice other things as a defense in a battle.
Advance Body Modification: Allows JB to modify his body to an advanced degree further enhancing his abilities and allowing him to use other abilities that have requirements.
- Engine on legs: Allows JB to use the Quirk Engine.
- Multiple tools: Allows JB to use the Quirk Tool Arms.
- Mouth on palm of hands: Allows JB to use Deidara's Jutsus.
- Mouth on the right side of chest: Allows JB to use the Jutsu C0.
- Kakuzu's body modification: Allows JB to use Kakuzu's Justu Earth Grudge Fear.
- Asura Path's (Nagato) body modification: Allows JB to use Asura Path's (Nagato) Jutsus.
- Antenna: Allows JB to use Antenna Power.
- Peg Leg: Allows JB to use the Nen Spinning Top.
- Plasma Cannon on Right Arm: Allows JB to use Sonic Cannon.
- Tail: Allows JB to use the Quirk Tail & other tail related techniques.
- Elasticity: Allows JB to extend parts of his body similar to Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic 4.
- Shark Body Modification: Changes JB's body similar to Kisame Hoshigaki's body type.
- Rapid Weight Gain: Allows JB to use the Akimichi clan's jutsus.
- Soft Physique Modification: Allows JB to bend his entire body as if he has no skeletal structure.
- Horns: Allows JB to use the Quirk Horn Cannon.
- Flamethrower (Right Hand): Allows JB to use Wave Burner and Last Insanity.
- Hole on Right Palm: Allows JB to use two abilities, Wind Tunnel/Kazaana and Slicing Sound Wave.
Emotion Manifestation: Allows JB to manifest separate versions of himself or others, often by way of the user each embodying a specific emotion or even multiple emotions. When creating an incarnation of the subjects emotions, his copy may primarily exhibit that specific emotion or other psychological aspects of his template, though they may also have their own personalities, characteristics, abilities and attributes, either connected or not to the emotion which they were manifested from.
Cursed Speech: Cursed speech is activated when the user utters words or commands aloud that are reinforced with cursed energy. This action compels the listener to act or be acted upon as a command.
- Repent: The target will feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
- Barrier: Creates an impenetrable barrier around the user or their target.
- Repel: Pushes the target away up to 150 meters.
- Ignite: The target will be set ablaze.
- Shackles: Shackles will suddenly appear on the target's wrists, legs, & neck, restraining their movement.
- Climax: The target will have an orgasm.
- Teleport: Teleport the target to a random location.
- Kneel: Forces his target to kneel before him.
- Run Away: Forces the target to run away.
Full Counter (Physical & Magic): Allows JB to reflect both physical and magical attack back to his opponent, but with more than triple the power; therefore, the stronger the opponent's powers are, the stronger the user's power becomes.
Fluff: Allows JB to summon and control an infinite amount of flesh eating small dark entities which are the size of cotton balls. Their body appears to be made of smoke and acts like parasites. They are also called Entities.
Weather Manipulation via Emotion: One of JB's very rare abilities allowing him to manipulate the weather within a certain range based on what emotion he is feeling from the 6 basic emotions.
- Sadness: Moderate rain with slight gust of wind. The ideal weather for lonesome people.
- Depressed: A strong rainy weather with powerful gust of winds. There are also loud roars of thunder and flashes of lightning. This is a advance version of Sadness.
- Happiness: Warm sunny weather with refreshing breeze during Spring Season.
- Fear: A thick mist-like weather with zero visibility making even the brightest light useless.
- Surprise: A Spring season weather with a beautiful rainbow and refreshing winds.
- Anger: Hot Summer weather which is perfect for going to beaches, but gradually gets hotter the more angry JB gets.
- Disgust: A Winter weather that consists of cold air and blizzards capable of freezing any water within minutes.
Eight Dragon Technique:
- First Dragon: It specializes in decursing and psychological attack. If it bites you, you could have your memories destroyed.
- Corpse Flame Dragon: It is an undead fire dragon with flames erupting from its bones. It damage things with an energy drain that seemingly burns life force itself.
- One-Eyed Cobra Dragon: A water dragon that summons rainstorms. Its fangs contain the undiluted concept of poison, so anything living it bites will either die or experience a fate worse than death.
- Spearhead Dragon: It releases lightning from its body and fires lasers from its mouth.
- Four-Eyed Dragon: It has multiple eye power. It has illusion and hypnotism powers that can blur the line between dreams and reality. It is also a singer with a beautiful voice that can shatter even Shadow Metal.
- Blind Dragon: A darkness dragon. It too has a powerful psychological effect, so you'll be overcome with terror and confusion when it's nearby.
- Ice Crystal Dragon: It is as tough and solid as the planet itself and it breathes ice.
- Angel Dragon: Could emit a light from the cross on its head that transformed what it struck into salt and its feathers could brainwash.
Rainbow Ring: Allows JB to wield and use all Lantern Corps rings from the DC universe.
- Green: Willpower
- Black: Death
- Red: Rage
- Blue: Hope
- Yellow: Fear
- White: Life
- Violet: Love
- Orange: Greed
- Indigo: Compassion
- Ultraviolet: Negative Emotion
- Gold: Guardian of the Universe
Jinchuriki Overlord: Host all Tail Beasts from the Naruto universe and can use all of their abilities.
- Zero Tailed Masked Leech
- One Tailed Shukaku
- Two Tailed Matatabi
- Three Tailed Isobu
- Four Tailed Son Goku
- Five Tailed Kokuo
- Six Tailed Saiken
- Seven Tailed Chomei
- Eight Tailed Gyuki
- Nine Tailed Kurama
- Ten Tailed Jubi
8 Heavenly Virtue:
- Hope: Commune and Influence and creature, channel powers from any non-human creature. Become stronger the more danger you are in and channel the power of any spirit.
- Patience: Superhuman senses, muddle the thoughts and emotions of others, turn anything into explosive with touch, meditate and unlock new potential, enter a Berserker mode where all stats are 10x.
- Chastity: Immune to all harmful contaminants, conjure and customize any kind of cages and binding, control attraction and repulsion, and create and manipulate any kind of acid and antibodies.
- Diligence: Wield telekinesis, manipulate any kind of focus, infuse your focus into whatever you touch, any/all aspects/parts of you, and control them, teleport in any way you want, and 9x all stats when ""in the zone.""
- Kindness: Creatures always don't want to kill you, 8x physical/mental stats when smiling, double in power from giving/receive true kindness, teleport through light, and cause any kind of shockwaves with your laugh.
- Temperance: Manipulate limits, control any string-like objects, freeze the movement of any creature you look at, and conjure chains that can be made from anything or have any properties.
- Humility: Sense defeat, control any kind of invisibility, Manipulate shadows, See any hidden details, See through any kind of invisibility and illusions, and draw attention away from anything.
- Charity: Give your weaknesses to other creatures, amplify the powers of others, manipulate replication, make sacrifices of any kind and gain powers from them, and give powers from defeated enemies to allies.
Breathing Master: Allows JB to use every Breathing technique from the Demon Slayer universe.
- Sun Breathing
- Water Breathing
- Flower Breathing
- Serpent Breathing
- Insect Breathing
- Moon Breathing
- Flame Breathing
- Love Breathing
- Thunder Breathing
- Sound Breathing
- Stone Breathing
- Wind Breathing
- Mist Breathing
- Beast Breathing
Onikuma Clan's Hijutsu: A unique Secret jutsu that is described as a "possession-type" Summoning Technique, the technique mutates the users arms into a beast-like form granting them enhanced strength and allowing them to stretch similarly to the Soft Physique Modification. Similar to Jugo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai, this technique can prove mentally unstable at times as it can cause the user to assume a more bestial form when they become emotionally vulnerable resulting in them losing complete control over the technique.
Infinity Chakra: Allows JB to use every jutsu including Kekkei Genkai & Kekkei Tota from the Naruto and Boruto Universe.
Symbiote Vessel: Allows JB to store all symbiotes inside his body which allows him to use all their abilities. JB can also counter the symbiotes weakness by using his other abilities such as soundproof or silence.
List of Symbiotes:
- Venom
- Carnage
- Scream
- Lasher
- Phage
- Agony
- Riot
- Hybrid
- Toxin
- Anti-Venom
- Mania
- Knull
- Sleeper
- Merideus
- Rascal
- Mister E
- Dreadface
- Rune-Venom
- Krobaa
- Neo-Symbiote
- Exolon
- Payback
- Scorn
Pocket Space: Allows JB to have unlimited storage inside his pockets and bag which lets him store anything he wants.
Bone Spike Generation: JB could generate razor-sharp drill-like bone-spikes from his wrists. This ability is an extension of his Bone Manipulation ability.
Language Sync: Allows JB to speak and understand every language in the universe.
Bankai Plundering: Allows JB to steal any Shinigami's Bankai from the Bleach universe.
Quill Generation: JB was able to sprout porcupine-like quills from his body, most notably his entire face and head.
Limitless Charge: Allows all electronic devices to be fully charged while in JB's hand. The devices does not overheat or damage from this ability making it perfect for unlimited 24/7 usage.
Metal Vessel King: Allows JB to access and use all metal vessels in the Magi universe which gives him access to all djinn equip transformations and powers.
Beelzebub: Allows JB to absorb targets, as if it was a Black Hole. It is similar to Wind Tunnel or Kazaana but is much more stronger. It can absorb organic matter, inorganic matter, aura, magicules, skills, magic, and even space itself.
Let's Go Ultra: Allows JB to transform into and use every abilities of Ultraman from the Ultraman universe.
Psionic Energy Manipulation: JB is able to create, shape and manipulate psionic energy which he can use for a variety of effects, mostly creating weapons out of it or enhancing other weapons that he carries with her such as his katana.
Sky Surfer: JB summons a hoverboard and flies through the sky with ease and style.
List of Hoverboards:
- Big Kahuna
- Daredevil
- Hot Rod
- Atomic Tile
- Aero Fish
- Super Sonic
- D-Board Proto
- D-Board
- X321
- X321 Version 2
Surfer's Wipeout: JB launches his hoverboard at the target dealing damage. Amongs all of his hoverboard, Hot Rod causes the most damage due to its high fuel storage.
Magic Mirror: Allows JB to create a small circular mirror which allows him to view any person he wishes. The is ability can be use to spy on a specific target and can also be use for indecent acts such as requesting the mirror to view private parts of a woman. Additionally, the user can interact with what is shown on the mirror and there will be no visible indication on what the user is doing.
10 Shadow Technique: Using shadows as an intermediary, this technique allows the user to summon ten different shikigami.
- Divine Dogs
- Nue
- Toad
- Giant Serpent
- Max Elephant
- Rabbit Escape
- Round Deer
- Piercing Ox
- Tiger Funeral
- Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga
Ice Calamity — Thousand Thorn Blizzard: JB creates a massive number of ice swords that hang in the air. With his command, they all converge onto his target.
Ice Calamity — Flooding Snow Lights: Summons a large amount of ice spikes and fires them at his target.
Ice Calamity — Infinitesimal Fans of Light: Summons eight large ice mirrors that reflect astral energy. One faint ray of light is shot from a mirror onto another, multiplying as they reflected off more mirrors. Once they had over a hundred lights, they shot through the target at the center.
Superheroes Heavy Hitter Mayhem: Allows JB to use every power of every characters from the Superhero Heavy Hitters tiktok filter.
- Batman Who Laughs The Darkest Knight
- Doctor Doom God Emperor
- Batgirl Shazam
- Batman Hellbat Armor
- Lobo The Mask
- Doctor Strange Black Priest
- Ultron Infinity Ultron
- Frank Castle Cosmic Ghost Rider
- Black Panther Star Panther
- Professor X Dr. Strangefate
- Wally West Dr. Manhattan
- Hal Jordan Spectre
- Hawkgirl White Lantern
- Iron Man Iron Hammer
- Thor Rune King
- Joker Emperor
- Black Widow Worthy
- Superman Cosmic Armor
- Loki God of Stories
- Deadpool Dreadpool
- Carnage Dark Carnage
- Doomsday Doctor Doomsday
- Thanos Astral Regulator
- Darkseid True Form
- Anti-Monitor 6th Dimension
- Johnny Blaze King of Hell
- Robin King Robin
- Raven Unkindness
- Aquaman Water Wraith
- Black Canary Green Lantern
- Captain America Soldier Supreme
- Green Goblin Goblin King
- Scarlet Witch True Darkhold
- Johnny Blaze Zarathos Power
- Alfred Injustice Pill
- Spider-Man Beyonder
- Frank Castle Cosmic GR Phoenix
- Zatanna Otherkind
- Captain Marvel Binary
- Brainiac One Million
- Robbie Reyes All-Rider
- Alfred Pennyworth Spectre
- Magneto Brother Mutant
- Venom God of Light
- Groot Ultimate Form
- Hulk The One Below All
- Nightwing Superwing
- Hawkman Dragon of Barbatos
- Thing Infinity Thing
- Wolverine Old Man Phoenix
- Swamp Thing World Tree
- Deathstroke Speed Force
- Dormammu Eternity Power
- Flash Kingdom Come
- Jean Grey White Phoenix
- Lex Luthor Mazahs
- Martian Manhunter Fernus
- Shazam God of Gods
- Vision House of Ideas
- Wonder Woman Anti-Crisis Energy
Critical Over: Augments the user's physical strength to its absolute limits and lasts until their magic power is totally exhausted.
Combo Star: As long as JB continues attacking his opponent without interruption, each consecutive blow receives an additional 200,000 pounds of force compared to the previous one. If the chain of attacks is interrupted then it resets and he has to restart his count once more.
Wave Burner: A short-ranged flamethrower that can hit enemies multiple times while active that uses a special type of gas and releases green flames. These flames can also be released from his fingertips. When used underwater, it is unable to create flames and harm enemies, but releases waves that can push some enemies and objects.
Memory Sculpting: Allows JB to add, remove, or alter specific memories within oneself or others.
The Three Wise Monkeys: A rare ability which when JB touches his target, they will lose their ability to see, hear, and speak.
Remote Mine: A remote controlled bomb that JB usually fires three times in a row and can be detonated any time.
Tengu Blade: A multitasking sword weapon that can send out a projectile as well as being used as a slashing weapon.
Copy Vision: Allows JB to generate a holographic copy of himself to appear forward his current position to shoot at enemies. The copy fires twenty-eight shots before disappearing.
Magic Card: This ability can steal energy from enemies, allowing JB to restore his own health. JB just needs to hurl special playing cards and each damage his recieves, it drains some of the target's lifeforce and when the cards returns to JB, it will heal his injuries.
Lightning Bolt: JB will hover in the air and summon a rain of powerful lightning bolts that cover the entire battlefield
Spread Drill: Allows JB to fire a drill-like missile that can separate into smaller drills.
Aqua Aera: This Magic warps the user and chosen others in between dimensions. In order for the Magic to occur a water medium must be present first.
Ice Wall: Creates an ice column that can be pushed to attack enemies. The Ice Wall shatters after some time, breaking faster when damaged. Creating an Ice Wall above or in the same position of an enemy will make the column hit the target several times before breaking, causing massive damage to stronger enemies. The ice column can also protect the user against some attacks from the opposite side.
Blood Demon Art: Flesh Seed - Creates miniscule seed-shaped flesh which then protrude giant spikes in every direction, used to pierce the targets body and restrain them. Once inside the body, the spikes continue branching out in the target's flesh, making them hard to pull out. Multiple seeds can be created at once, and seemingly materialize in thin air.
Magic Mirror: Allows JB to create a small circular mirror which allows him to view any person he wishes. The is ability can be use to spy on a specific target and can also be use for indecent acts such as requesting the mirror to view private parts of a woman. Additionally, the user can interact with what is shown on the mirror and there will be no visible indication on what the user is doing on the target.
Memory Play: Allows JB to view his target's memories by touching their head. He will be able to see all their memories from the day they were born till present day. Additionally, JB can also view the target's memory from their past lives too.
Amplification: Amplifies JB's sound based techniques times ten.
DNA Splicer/Absofusion: Allows JB to fuse two or more Pokemon together to create an entirely new Pokemon (Refer to Pokemon Fusion folder).
Rashield: Allows JB to summon a lightning-type wall that emerges in front of him. This shield electrolizes and reflects the enemy's attack back at them.
Soul Swap: Allows JB to swap the souls of two targets making them switch lives.
The 10 Commandments: Is a "cursed" Magical Power created by the Demon King over 3,000 years ago, and each has a unique curse of absolute power bestowed upon anyone who breaks its rule, even upon the holder themself. However, JB is able to counter the effects of the commandments making him immune to their effects,
- Commandment of Faith: Anyone who shows a lack of faith will have their eyes set ablaze.
- Commandment of Love: Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else.
- Commandment of Pacifism: Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, causing them to rapidly age and die.
- Commandment of Patience: Anyone who shows intolerance of pain will be inflicted with further pain.
- Commandment of Piety: Anyone who shows their back to the wielder will become an obedient slave of the Demon King and by extension, the commandment's holder.
- Commandment of Purity: Anyone who conducts impure deeds will be inflicted with illness.
- Commandment of Repose: Anyone who fights without rest will get their magic sealed away.
- Commandment of Reticence: Anyone who expresses hidden feeling and/or emotions will be rendered unable to speak.
- Commandment of Selflessness: Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self.
- Commandment of Truth: Anyone who lies or goes back on their word will be turned to stone.
Mark of the Rose: Allows JB to place a rose mark on his target which if the target has any malice or violent intent on him, they will explode.
Optimal Prime: Allows JB to be in his prime state regardless of his age making him appear 18-21 years old.
Inventory: Allows JB to store any object in another dimension and pull them out anytime he wants. The ability is similar to Pocket Space having no limit to how much item he can store but in a ideal more manner as pulling out large obects from his pockets or bag may seem weird to surronding people. It also keeps the items organized similar to how you would view an inventory in a video game.
Magic Reversal: Reverse the effect of any magic back to the caster.
Infinite Gravity: Increase the force of gravity in a certain area.
Dance Revolution: JB releases a powerful sound wave that is capable of pushing his enemies away. He can further increase this ability by combining it with his Amplification technique.
EVO: JB has nanites bonded to him on a molecular level granting him the ability to control his nanites at will, which allows him to generate various machinery from his body. He can also use his nanites to communicate with a variety of machines, as well as cure some EVOs of their mutations.
Nanite absorption: Allows JB to drain the nanites out of other EVOs, resulting in the EVO being petrified and turned into a stone statue. The EVOs that have been turned to stone are actually alive in their petrified state.
Cross Fusion: Allows JB to merge two NetNavi together into one being or merge himself with a NetNavi while possessing two consciousnesses. Formerly, this was only achievable through the use of a Synchro Chip while in a Dimensional Area. However, JB has enhanced the Synchro Chip allowing him to use the ability anywhere.
Reverse Cross Fusion: Allows JB to reverse the effect of Cross Fusion.
Warp Touch: Allows JB to warp anything he touches to a different location or dimension.
Wall Crawl: Allows JB to walk or crawl on walls similar to Spider-Man.
Fallen Dragon: Summon a demon dragon that breathes purple flames that can burn anything to ash, the smoke from its flames causes intense psychedelic effects if inhaled.
Shadow Binding: Allows JB to paralyze a target by stepping on their shadow.
Universal Key: Allows JB to conjure a key that can open any door in any universe and dimension.
Horror of Akatsuki: Hidan slashes the opponent with his Triple-Bladed Scythe, creating an opening for Kakuzu, who grabs them and throws them at the ground. Zetsu emerges from the ground with his flytrap extensions "chewing" the opponent as he spins upwards. Deidara and Sasori attack from a distance with C1 birds and a flamethrower, causing an explosion. Orochimaru shapes the explosion into a fiery whirlwind, which Itachi further incinerates with Amaterasu. After it explodes, Kisame slashes the opponent through the remains of the explosion with Samehada, clearing the path for Konan, who flies above and pins them with numerous paper spears. At the end, Pain finishes with Shinra Tensei.
God: Nativity of a World of Trees - Allows the user to manipulate the roots of the God Tree, spreading them around the entire world to encase those caught within the Infinite Tsukuyomi in the roots' bark. By ensnaring all living beings and connecting them to the tree, similar to cocoons, this will keep their now-slumbering bodies alive so long as they remain attached, while sapping their chakra. At the same time, this assimilates every victim to the God Tree, regathering the chakra into one location, in order to sprout a new fruit. It is one of the Jutsu with the greatest expansive power, spreading throughout the planet.
Wind Style: Air Force - Burst of air is released from the palm of the hand similar to an air cannon.
Wind Style: Turbulence - Creates a vortex of wind around JB pushing everything away. Similar to Shinra Tensei but with lesser force.
Last Insanity: JB charges forward in the target direction while rotating and spraying fire from his flamethrower.
Arc of Time: Last Ages - Allows the user to rewind time around the world at the cost of their own life span.
Asteroid: Asteroid is a weaker version of Meteor but rather than launching a large cube projectile, it splits into multiple pieces and launches at the target at a straight line.
Viper: Viper is a weaker version of Asteroid and can be recognized by the sharp angles it performs as its trajectory changes.
Meteor: Meteor is a projectile which appears as a luminous trail once shot. On impact, it explodes with a flash, releasing a large amount of smoke.
The Visionary: JB has the ability to turn fantasy into reality.
Reflection Fortress: Allows JB to conjure a shield to reflect back attacks at double the power.
Perfect HP: Allows JB to be immune to any and all diseases in the entire multiverse making him perfectly healthy.
Starlight Fusion: Allows JB to fuse with any Pokemon or Digimon forming an armor fusion. The fusion lasts for 1 hr and has a cooldown of 7 hrs to be able to fuse with the same Pokemon and/or Digimon.
Quantum Cloak: Allows JB to turn invisible. This is ability is quite advance as it makes him undetectable from any heat detector or motion detector completely erasing his presence making it the perfect stealth ability.
Flux Capacitor: Allows JB to keep certain abilities active 24/7 with minimum usage of its power source.
List of Active Abilities:
- Danger Sense (Quirk)
- Perfect HP
- Inventory
- Language Sync
- Optimal Prime
- X-Antibody
- Moku Moku no Mi
Final Payload: Rest In Paradise - JB's ultimate self sacrificing attack which requires him to deplete all his power source (life force, curse energy, magicules, mana, ki, energy, chakra, pip, etc). JB enters his Limit Breaker mode and charges his right hand by focusing all his power source to it similar to his Positron Laser ability. After depleting all his power source to near 0%, JB will release the energy from his hand directly to his target obliterating it from existence.
Retractable Adamantium Claw: Allows JB to house beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms six retractable 12-inch long adamantium claws, three in each arm. JB can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his regeneration. The claws are very sharp and dense enough to slice through anything with the exception of adamantium made objects. (X-Men Wolverine)
Soul Transfer: Allows JB to transfer his soul or another person's soul to another body.
Soul Snare: Allows the JB to ensnare the soul of his target.
Ninjutsu: Wolf Seal Heavenly Prison Release (Okami no fuin ten goku no kaiho) - JB releases his Wolf Seal Heavenly Prison Seal to regain his true form allowing him to access all of his powers at maximum 100% strength. JB depicts this as revealing his true form to the world.
Ninja Art; Divine Tree of Yggdrasil - JB summon the Sacred Tree Yggdrasil who is tasked to neutralize JB's target with its branches. While sprouting out of the ground, its branches chases its target until captured entangling them completely.
Card Dimension: Allows the JB to trap souls within a card similar to how Maximillion Pegasus from Yu-gi-oh sealed Kaiba's soul in a card.
Transonic Impact: JB moves in transonic speed to punch his target leaving them little or no time to react. The force of the punch is equivalent to getting hit by a wrecking ball at 760 mph. However, this ability does have a drawback as JB cannot use it multiple times due to his cells not being able to absorb oxygen when using this move.
Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider - JB concentrates his flames into white-hot points on his fingertips and emits beams of fire to slice through his target.
Flashfire Fist: Prominence Burn - JB uses the full might of his flames to emit a concentrated beam of heat from his body that is used to vaporize his target.
Secret Arts: Spirit Ressurection - JB regenerates the damaged body of a deceased target, then returns the available and intact soul of a deceased target to its body, resurrecting the target.
Divine Shield: An ability that creates shields of light capable to block any ordinary weapon or magic.
Quantum Loop: Allows JB to trap his target(s) in an endless time loop repeating the same scenario, occurance, or day over and over. This ability tends to make his target(s) go insane. Unlike Izanami which traps the target under a Genjutsu, this ability traps the target physically.
S-Rank Techniques:
Decay Touch
Absofusion Technique
Cross Fusion Matter
Reversal Cross Fusion
DNA Splicer Technique
Ruudar (Black iron chain emerges from the ground and entangles the target)
Perous (Release dark slicing wave of energy)
Dark Firus Technique
Wolf Slash Meteor Shower
Electromagnetic Flash
Super Ghost Kamekaze Attack
Roar of the Beast King
Divine Wind Dragon Thunder
Ginrei Kojaku
Majin Beam (Turns target into any type of candy)
Cosmic Blazer
[Wind] - Wu Eye Crest - Wind
[Fire] - Wu Eye Star - Fire
[Earth] - Wu Eye Crater - Earth
[Water] - Wu Eye Neptune - Water
Scatter Destructo Disc
Psionic Blades (X-Men Psylocke)
God Slicer Technique
God Split Cut Technique
Violent Fierce God Slicer (Scythe) Technique
Thousand Needles
Terror Force (Wargreymon Style)
Solar Flash
Thunder Cracker
Twisted Fury
Ragnarok Dust
Scatter Solarbeam
Death Beam Fury
7 Stones of Destruction
Uranus World Shaking
Positron Laser
Ginrei Kojaku - Rain of a Thousand Arrows
Meteor Crush
Infinite Beam Mirror
Basara Flash
Wind Tunnel/Kazaana Technique (Right hand only)
Heaven Curse Mark Wings Technique
Laser Vision (X-Men Cyclops)
Explosive Card Technique (X-Men Gambit)
Lightning Devastation
Getsuga Jujishu
Lightning Devastation: Cluster Mine
Final Kamehameha
Big Bang Kamehameha
Summoning duel monsters to life (Yugioh)
Immortality (JB semi-sealed this ability as he does not want to live forever)
Dragon Force Kamekameha
Light Sword of Judgement
Galaxy Impact
Mind Reading
A-Rank Technique:
Kaioken Technique (x10 & x20)
Explosive Shuriken Technique
Explosive Shuriken Technique: Hell of Carnage
Soul Self Technique (Teen Titan Raven Style)
Eye Mind Reading Technique
Galick Gun
Final Flash
Desparado Blaster
Desolation Claw
Divine Attack: Searing Flame
Divine Wind: Cyclone
Super Kamehameha
Heylin Power Tsunami Water Blade Ice
Meteor Mash
B-Rank Technique:
Spirit Bomb
Final Buster
Energy Blast
God Slicer Dance
Getsuga Tensho
Spirit Gun
Flare Rockets
Fist of the Beast King
Atila Thunderbolt
Shadow Force
Black Dragon Technique
Vortex Dark Blaze
Vortex Dark Lightning
Fusion Flare
Spike Projection
Skydive Scorcher
Slicing Sound Wave
C-Rank Technique:
Special Beam Cannon
Solar Flare Technique
Tri Beam Cannon
Fire Blast
Zap Cannon
Destructo Disc
Flash Cannon
Hydro Cannon
Razor Shell
Solar Form
Ice Beam
Corona Blaster
Blast Burn
Magma Storm
Aero Blast
Energy Blast
Draco Meteor
Inferno Gust
Ember Swarm
Flame Wheel
Luster Purge
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Flare Blitz
Pyro Blaster
Shock Wave
Diamond Storm
Shadow Strike
Skeletal Strike
Lightning Javalin
Sonic Cannon
Speed Force: Super Speed
Masenko Ha
Water Shuriken
Aura Sphere
Wind Slash
Spirit Gust
Splasher Technique
Blaze Kick
Thunder Fist/Thunder Punch
Tai Lung Nerve Strike
Finger Beam
Crimson Lightning
Grisly Wing
- Sword of Nunoboko
- Transcription Seal: Amaterasu
- Amaterasu
- Amaterasu Flame Wrapping Fire (Shield of Amaterasu)
- Extinguish Amaterasu
- Susanoo
- Susanoo Armor
- Susanoo: Tsukumo
- Susanoo: Kamui Shuriken
- Susanoo: Chidori
- Susanoo: Great Fireball Technique
- Majestic Attire: Susanoo Technique
- Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu)
- Tsukuyomi: Black Dream (Genjutsu)
- Tsukuyomi: Illusionary Dream (Genjutsu)
- Infinite Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu)
- Izanagi (Genjutsu)
- Izanami (Genjutsu)
- Susanoo Genjutsu Technique
- Coercion Sharingan (Genjutsu)
- Genjutsu: Rinnegan
- Genjutsu: Ketsuryugan
- Negative Confusion (Genjutsu)
- Ephemeral (Genjutsu)
- Mind-Controlling Dojutsu (Kotoamatsukami) (Genjutsu)
- Kotoamatsukami: Beam of Light (Genjutsu)
- Amenotejikara (Instantly shift location)
- Amenominaka (Teleport via Dimension)
- Kamui (Inter-dimensional space-time ability)
- Body Flicker Technique
- Sasuke Uchiha's Space-Time Dojutsu
- Shin Uchiha's Space-Time Dojutsu
- Object Manipulation Technique
- Fire Style: Ablation of Thousand Laws Jutsu
- Blade Regalia of Blood-stained Purity
- Chigaeshi
- Demonic Illusion: Sharingan's Mirror
- Sharingan: Hallucination
- Genjutsu: Inverted Dimension
- Forbidden Mangekyou Seal
- Uchiha Style Shurikenjutsu: "Lightning": Triple
- Sword of Kagutsuchi
JB Fangs: JB conjures 13 pods shaped as kunai. The pods can fly at high speed, are extremely versatile, & can shoot lasers. JB can create more complex pods by infusing chakra nature to the pods which is possible by awakening the Eternal Darkness form.
- Swift Release Chakra: Speed x2.
- Ice Release Chakra: Freezing ability.
- Steel Release Chakra: Increased density.
- Wind Release Chakra: Silence.
- Blaze Release Chakra: Cloaked in black flames (Amaterasu).
- Fire Release Chakra: Cloaked in flames.
- Storm Release Chakra: Electro magnetic pulse (EMP).
- Explosive Release Chakra: Explosion ability.
- Earth Release Chakra: Underground movement.
- Boil Release Chakra: Resistance to acid.
- Lightning Release Chakra: Increased piercing capabilities (Chidori).
- Lava Release Chakra: Resistance to heat.
- Water Release Chakra: Resistance to high pressure.
- Star Release Chakra: Intangibility.
- Wood Release Chakra: Creates a trail of organic vines.
- Scorch Release Chakra: Laser x2.
- Magnetic Release Chakra: Magnetic (Attraction & Repulsion).
- Crystal Release Chakra: Invisibility.
- Dust Release Chakra: Smokescreen.
- Dark Release Chakra: Forcefield/Barrier.
Dark Ninja Art:
- Fear Feaster (Genjutsu)
- Fear Puppet
- Demon Night (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet
- Giant Shadow Puppet
- Mini Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Clone
- Multiple Shadow Puppets
- Multiple Shadow Puppet Clones
- Double Shadow
- Animal Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Possession
- Shadow Puppet Transformation
- Shadow Puppet Mirage (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet Infinite Nightmare (Genjutsu)
- Hiding In A Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet Chimera
- Shadow Puppet Puppet Master
- Four Arms Shadow Puppet
- Shadow Puppet w/ Legendary Weapons
- Multiple Shadow Puppet w/ Legendary Weapons
- Shadow Puppet w/ Seven Swords of the Mist
- Multiple Shadow Puppet w/ Seven Swords of the Mist
- Shadow Sewing Puppet
- Shadow Necrofear (Genjutsu)
- Shadow Puppet Nine Masked Beast Technique (Menme Style)
- Explosive Shadow Puppet (+ Explosion Release)
- Multiple Explosive Shadow Puppet (+ Explosion Release)
- Blazing Shadow Puppet (+ Blaze Release)
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Performance of 100 Shadow Puppets
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Ultimate Shadow Puppet
- Kinjutsu: Pandemonium
- Shade Troopers Jutsu
- Shade Troopers Jellyfish Form Jutsu
- Shade Entagle Jutsu
- Ghost Fireworks Jutsu
- Shadow Orochi Jutsu
- Genjutsu: Eternal Nightmare Destruction
- Shadow Puppet Binding
- Dark Ninja Art: Shadow Arms
- Dark Ninja Art: Shadow Hound: Summons a Shadow Hound that connects all its senses to you. Its attack cannot be healed.
Chidori Technique:
- Chidori
- Chidori Senbon
- Chidori Katana
- Chidori Shuriken
- Chidori Nagashi (Thousand Bird Current)
- Chidori Laser
- Chidori Beam
- Chidorigan (+ Rasengan)
- Chidori Claw
- Shadow Chidori (Dark Ninja Art)
- Shadow Chidorigan (+ Shadow Rasengan)
- Chidori Whip
- Chidori Drill
- Chidori Lancer
- Chidori Drill Lancer
Susanoo Rakshasa (Similar to Susanoo)
- Left upper hand Susanoo Crossbow
- Left lower hand Yata Mirror
- Right upper hand none
- Right lower hand Sword of Totsuka
Susanoo Rakshasa Dragon Thrower Jutsu
Susanoo Rakshasa Genjutsu (Cast infinite Genjutsu in a 2000m range)
Summoning Technique:
- Altar of the Titans Technique
- Shermie Kaye Acob, Rocel Serrano, & Lyka Paras Arcelao
- Six Paths, Special Paths & Seven Sin Paths
- Uchiha Grand Fraternity Members and/or Saigas
- Drones
- Variants (Refer to summoning folder)
- Vehicles
- Kinjutsu: New World Technique
- Multiple Dragons w/ Carriers
- Gears (Refer to gear folder)
- JB Uchiha's World Inhabitants (Refer to JB Uchiha's world - inhabitants folder)
- Tailed Beasts
- Puppets
- Gourds (Gold Dust and/or Iron Sand)
- [Animal Path] Giant Drill-Beaked Bird - (Green Egg Bombs)
- [Animal Path] Giant Multi-Headed Dog - (Amplification Summoning Technique)
- [Animal Path] Giant Panda
- [Animal Path] Giant Ram
- [Animal Path] Giant Rhino
- [Animal Path] Giant Crustacean - (Violent Bubble Wave)
- [Animal Path] Giant Centipede
- [Animal Path] Giant Snake - Tailed Chameleon
- Gedo Statue - Demonic Statue of The Outer Path - (Demonic Statue Chakra Blast & Demonic Statue Shockwave)
- Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique
- Summoning: Rinnegan
- Summoning: Rashomon
- Summoning: Triple Rashomon
- Summoning: Quintuple Rashomon
- Summoning: Baku
- Summoning: Doki
- Summoning: White Snake Sage
- Summoning: Great Toad Sage
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Satori
- Tool Summoning: Conch Shell Mace
- [Animal Path] Kinjutsu Summoning: Fire Rat
- Animal Summoning: Wolves
- Animal Summoning: Flauclaws (Ferret)
- Animal Summoning: Giant Clam (Clam)
- Animal Summoning: Hylash (Cobra)
- Animal Summoning: Ibuse (Salamander)
- [Animal Path Only] Enma Summoning: Thunderbolt Waltz
- Kinjutsu: Impure World Resurrection
- Kinjutsu Lightning Style: Lightning Bees
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Tengu
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Soul General Mutoh
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Kappa
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Gedou Snake
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Easter Egg
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Origami Monsters
- Summoning: Larvae (Available only if Red Night is active)
- Summoning: Black Knights (Available only if Red Night is active)
- Kinjutsu Summoning: Underworld Guide
- Summoning: Wrath of the Monarchs
- Summoning: Iron Maiden
- Summoning: Ten Terrors of the Underworld
- Summoning: Rafflesia
Sealing/Seal Technique:
- The Seal of Absolute Protection
- The Seal of Absolute Silence (Destroys all senses of a person)
- The Seal of Absolute Power (Grants 1 power)
- The Seal of Absolute Transmission (Teleportation)
- The Seal of Absolute Suppression (Seals the eternal darkness within JB's heart)
- The Seal of Ultimate Summoning (Uchiha Grand Army)
- Special Sealing Technique: The Seal of Absolute Protection & Summoning (Shermie Kaye Acob, Rocel Serrano, & Lyka Paras Arcelao)
- Sealing Technique: Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan Destruction Seal
- Heaven Curse Seal
- Earth Curse Seal
- Seal of Anvil Crawler Transformation Technique
- Secret Sealing Technique: Roen Kodon
- Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal
- Five Pronged Seal
- Very Hiden: Truth and Reality Concealing Shadows Technique
- 5 Point Seal Barrier: Hachi's Gate
- Lightning Seal: Threat Eradication Barrier
- Ancient Technique: Sharingan Altar
- Barrier Talisman: Armoured Eye
- Blood Geist: Blue Blood Hell
- Chakra Draining Seal
- Chūshinhōkai Shinzōsekai
- Combination Sealing Technique: Oceanic Prison
- Convergence of Heaven and Earth
- Covenant of Souls
- Crescent-Shaped Shield Seal
- Cursed Tongue Eradication Technique
- Cursed seal of Paralysis
- Dark Sealing Method
- Dharma Power Seal
- Eikaishin Technique: Guardian Barrier
Genjutsu Torture Chamber Illusions:
- The Razorwire Maze
- The Flammable Jelly
- The Drill Chair
- The Quadruple Shotgun Hallway Trap
- The Bathroom Trap
- The Death Mask (A.K.A. The Venus Flytrap)
- The Electrified Staircase
- The Nerve Gas House
- The Magnum Eyehole
- The Furnace
- The Needle Pit
- The Razorbox Trap
- The Classroom Trap
- The Angel Trap/Ribcage Trap
- The Shotgun Collar
- The Freezer Room
- The Intestine Pool/Pig Vat
- The Rack/The Twisting Crucifix
- The Confrontation/Revenge or Forgive
- The Knife Chair
- The Mausoleum Trap
- See What I See
- Feel What I Feel
- Save As I Save
- Judge As I Judge
- The Pendulum Trap
- The Cube Trap
- The Fatal Five's Tests
- The Collar Trap
- The Jar Trap/Three Point of Safety
- The Bathtub Trap/Bridge The Gap
- The Blade Table
- The Final Test/Trust or Disbelieve
- Eye Vacuum Trap
- Pipe Bomb Trap
- Bone Marrow Trap
- Brain Surgery Trap
- Radiation Therapy Trap
- Blood Waterboarding Trap
- Burning Gas Chamber Trap
- Scar Tissue Trap
Dragon Slayer Magic:
- Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
- White Dragon Slayer Magic
- Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
- Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
- Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
- Jade Dragon Slayer Magic
- Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic
- Hell Flame Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sage Dragon Slayer Magic
- Water Dragon Slayer Magic
- Wood Dragon Slayer Magic
- Moon Dragon Slayer Magic
- Law Dragon Slayer Magic
- Earth Dragon Slayer Magic
- Gold Dragon Slayer Magic
- Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
- Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic
- Purgatory Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic
- Gale Dragon Slayer Magic
- Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic
- Flash Dragon Slayer Magic
- Blade Dragon Slayer Magic
- Armor Dragon Slayer Magic
- Corpse Dragon Slayer Magic
- Clinging Dragon Slayer Magic
- Spirit Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sword Saint Dragon Slayer Magic
- Four Beasts Dragon Slayer Magic
- Azure Dragon Slayer Magic
- Yellow Dragon Slayer Magic
- Spark Dragon Slayer Magic
- Sewing Dragon Slayer Magic
Mapping Terrain Technique:
- Secret Technique: Mapping Terrain Technique (Maps three-dimensional terrain accurately within a given range.)
- Secret Technique: Altering Terrain Technique (Alters the terrain within a given range.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Gravity Zone (Manipulate the very gravity of the affected area.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Lava Zone (Targeted area starts rumbling, trembling & heating until ultimately reduced to large collapsing pieces, revealing a pool of boiling lava underneath.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Whirlpool Zone (Prompting a whirlpool to be generated around his person out of nowhere.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Cold Zone (Freezes the entire area.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Gale Force Wind Zone (Generates a strong wind.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Fainting in Agony Zone (Various trapping items & weapons fall to the targets.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Plus White Night Zone (Create a luminous light.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Boiling Water Zone (Cause the water in the surrounding area to increase its temperature & to boil.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Hot Wind Zone (Conjure a hot wind & hurl it towards his target.)
- Secret Technique: Terrain Effect Iceberg Zone (Summon icebergs that doesn't melt easily.)
Territory Technique:
- Forbidden Word: By removing letters or words from the alphabet, making them Taboo & whoever speaks the taboo words loses their soul. It's notable that it's not the words that are taboo, but the arrangement of letters in a specific order that is not allowed.
- Forbidden Rage: JB is able to forbid any and all violence. Whenever an act of violence is about to occur, an impenetrable barrier appears & blocks it.
- Forbidden Law: A seal is placed on a person which contains a specific law. When the seal bearer breaks the law, a punishment will be inflicted on the bearer or their loved ones.
- Forbidden Law - Eternal Love: The seal bearer is not allowed to love another person or else that person will die a gruesome death before the bearer's eyes.
- Territory Forbiden Power: A circular seal is placed in a certain location with a range of 1000 meters. People who enters the affected area are not able to use any of their powers or abilities. The only excepted individuals who can use their powers are JB, Uchiha Grand Fraternity Co-Founders, and Division Elite Captains.
Lanza del Relámpago: Creates a javelin-like weapon using his spiritual power. He can use this weapon as a projectile or as a melee weapon. When thrown, it produces an incredibly destructive explosion on impact creating a large crater to 170–300 kilometres range.
Chip: JB creates a highly advance nano-tech drone that acts as a CCTV. JB uses this ability along with Broadcast to show a realtime live video feed around the entire world.
Broadcast: Allows JB to hack every devices in the world that can view videos. Devices affected by this ability cannot be turned off even when unplugged, they will continue to be turned on and play the video feed. JB uses this ability along with Chip to announce realtime live video feed around the entire world.
The Goal of All Life is Death: It strengthens the instant death effect of magic and skills to the point of bypassing any immunity or resistance and killing their targets after a certain amount of time has passed. JB uses this special skill with '(Widen Magic) Cry of the Banshee,' and it kills everything in 100 meters.
Great Reversal of Reality and Death: Allows JB to change the course of reality for him or others around him at a multiversal range. This ability is similar to Izanagi but has a wider range and the does not have any side effect to the user of the ability.
Death Seven Darts: JB traps his targets under a powerful genjutsu. The target's must compete against each other in a game of darts which the first person to score 500 wins and is set free. However, there is a twist to how the game works. Instead of just ordinary coloration on the board with numbers, the design on each number represents the organs of the players. Every time the dart hits a corresponding organ on the board, it will inflict damage to the corresponding player. Additionally, if the dart hits the heart or brain displayed on the board, it will mean instant death to the opposing player.
Final Payload: One of JB's ultimate technique. First, JB creates several shadow clone and each will power up using specific form from certain anime universe. The each clone will attack using the most powerful attack from the form they have take and JB himself will also launch an attack using one of his most powerful attack combined with Limit Breaker.
- Clone #1: Perfect Ultra Instinct w/ Super Kamekameha
- Clone #2: Ultra Ego w/ Final Flash
- Clone #3: Perfect Susanoo w/ Indra's Arrow
- Clone #4: Asura Kurama Mode w/ Six Paths Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Clone #5: Gear 5 Sun God Nika w/ Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun
- Clone #6: One For All 100% w/ United States Smash
Master Morpher: Gives JB the ability to morph into any Ranger forms at will by utilizing a crystal frequency transducer that can quick cycle between the Power Coins stored within it.
Temporal Echo: Allows JB to send short messages to his past self about incoming decisions.
Amenominaka: JB replaces the world around him with one of his personal dimensions; everyone near JB at the time will experience the same change of place. Unlike most space–time ninjutsu, where users move themselves to a destination, JB moves the destination to himself.
Yomotsu Hirasaka: Allows the user is able to open rifts in the fabric of space that allow them to instantaneously transport themselves to another location. The openings can be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension, or to create a pathway that links two dimensions together. By entering these spacial tears, the user is able to retreat, disorient enemies, or execute ambush attacks at a moment's notice.
All-Killing Ash Bones: A certain-kill technique, the user hardens their own bones and protrudes them out of the skin, and then fires these weaponised structures from their back or from their palms at the intended target. When these bones pierce a living organism, the bone and target starts to deteriorate at a molecular level, disintegrating the victim and reducing their bodies to nothing more than a pile of ash. This ability is an extension of his Bone Manipulation ability.
Explosion Release Technique:
- C0
- C1
- C2
- C3
- C4
- Explosion Release: Exploding Palm (Gari)
- Explosion Release: Landmine Fist (Gari)
- Explosive Clay
- Explosive Clay Dolls
- Explosive Landmines
- Suicide Bombing Clone
Get Ability Technique:
- Itachi Uchiha's Yata Mirror
- Itachi Uchiha's Sword of Totsuka
- Sasuke Uchiha's Susanoo Crossbow
- Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku
- Ultimately Hard Absolute Defence: Shield of Shukaku
Lava Release (Fire + Earth) Technique:
- Lava Golem Jutsu
- Lava Style: Melting Apparition Jutsu
- Lava Style: Raining Debris Jutsu
- Lava Style: Blaze Wall Jutsu
- Lava Style: Intense Flow Jutsu
- Lava Style: Lava Saliva Jutsu
- Lava Style: Lava Snake Bullet Technique
- Lava Style: Slaying Fire Dragon Jutsu
- Lava Style: Super Demon Blast Cannon Jutsu
Explosion Release Technique:
- C0
- C1
- C2
- C3
- C4
- Explosion Release: Exploding Palm (Gari)
- Explosion Release: Landmine Fist (Gari)
- Explosive Clay
- Explosive Clay Dolls
- Explosive Landmines
- Suicide Bombing Clone
- Explosive Clay: Twin Birds
- Explosive Clay: Snake
- Explosion Release: Ominous Detonation
Storm Release (Lightning + Water) Technique:
- Allied Shinobi Forces Technique
- Sage Art: Storm Style Light Fang
- Storm Style Secret Technique: Demon Dragon Storm
- Storm Style: Laser Circus
- Storm Style: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave
Mud Release (Earth + Water) Technique:
- Mud Style: Bottomless Mud Hole
- Mud Style: Landslide
- Mud Style: Mud Doll
- Mud Style: Muddy Water Wall
Rasenshuriken Technique:
- Wind Release: Rasenshuriken
- Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Mini-Rasenshuriken
- Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken
- Sage Art: Super Tailed Beast Rasenshuriken
- Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero
- Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken
- Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
- Wind Release: Repeated Rasenshuriken
- Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken
Boil Release (Fire & Water) Technique:
- Vapor Style: Skilled Mist Technique
- Vapor Style: Unrivalled Strength
- Vapor Style: Erupting Propulsion Fist
- Vapor Style: Erupting Strong Foot
- Vapor Style: Steam Dash
Eye of Mirror Secret Technique:
- Grants Strong Vision And Perception, But Brings Huge Physical Burden.
- Crescent Eye of Mirror (Rebound's genjutsu.)
- Mirror of Passion (Violet blaze of flames.) (Amaterasu)
- Mirror of Grace (Tsukuyomi)
- Mirror of Strength (Susanoo)
- Mirror of Freedom (Izanagi).
Limit Breaker Technique:
- Ultra Instinct/Ultra Ego/Super Saiyan 2
- Lightning Release Armor
- Truth Seeker Ball Technique
- Armament Haki
- Conquerer Haki/Intimidation Technique
- Hallowfication
- Tool Creation Technique
- Shadow Wolf Chakra Mode
- Emperor of Time
- Incomplete/Complete Susanoo
- One For All 100%
- Shadow Drive Dragon Slayer Magic
- Heaven Curse Seal Stage 1
- Bankai
Transformation Technique:
- DNA Transformation
- Iron Transformation
- ML Transformation
- Djinn Equip Transformation
- Armor Hero Transformation
- Kamen Rider Transformation
- Beetleborg Transformation
- Digimon Transformation
- Hero Transformation
- Soul Transformation
- Power Ranger Transformation
- Magin Bone Transformation
- Machine Empire Transformation
- Demonic Transformation
Uchihanary Transformation Technique:
- Uchihanary Transformation - Constellations
- Uchihanary Transformation - Tree
- Uchihanary Transformation - Whirlwind
- Uchihanary Transformation - Giant Pinwheel
- Uchihanary Transformation - Sun
- Uchihanary Transformation - Planet
- Uchihanary Transformation - Drill
- Uchihanary Transformation - Clock
- Uchihanary Transformation - Patch of Matter
Bone Manipulation/Bone Magic/Shikotsumyaku
- Finger Drilling Bullet
- Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets
- Dance of the Camellia
- Dance of the Clematis: Flower
- Dance of the Clematis: Vine
- Dance of the Larch
- Dance of the Seedling Fern
- Dance of the Willow
- Maximized Bone Magic: Thousand Bone Lance
- Maximized Bone Magic: Thousand Bone Lance v2
Code Geass Technique:
- The Power of Absolute Obedience (Plant commands within a person's mind upon direct eye contact.)
- The Seal of Absolute Sound (Telepathically hear the conscious thoughts of anyone within a 500 meter radius.)
- The Seal of Suspension (Temporarily suspend time for all individuals paralyzing anyone within the area.)
- The Power that returns all creation into nothingness (Obliteration attack launched by contact of hands.)
- The Power to force own thoughts into others (Telepathic communications & to make people have headaches.)
Code of Immortality (Immortality)
Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Fire Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Wind Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Water Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Earth Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Lightning Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Ice Dragon Bomb Jutsu
- Five Dragon Formation Technique
- Storm Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Wind + Lightning)
- Hurricane Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Wind)
- Lava Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Earth)
- Mud Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Water + Earth)
- Steam Dragon Bomb Jutsu (Fire + Water)
- Barrier Technique: Five Nature Draken Prison
- Barrier Technique: Dragon Stomach Prison
Rai Sabre Technique:
- Rai Sabre
- Dual Rai Sabre
- Triple Rai Sabre
- Quadruple Rai Sabre
- Quintuple Rai Sabre
- Septimo Rai Sabre
- Septimo Rai Sabre Formation: Explosion
- Kinjutsu: Infinite Rai Sabre
- Secret Technique: Ragnarok Rai Sabre
- Rai Sabre Binding Technique
- Sixteen Rai Sabre Binding Technique
- Kinjutsu: 666 Rai Sabre Barrier Technique
Dragon Claw Technique:
- Dragon Fire Claw (Fire Style)
- Piercing Dragon Claw (Lightning Style)
- Kinjutsu Secret Technique: Blazing Pierce (Fire + Lightning Style)
- Absolute Zero Claw (Ice Style)
- Dragon Tearing Sky Claw (Wind Style)
- Dragon Smash Claw (Earth Style)
- Torrent Dragon Claw (Water Style)
Deadly Performance Secret Technique:
- Onmyouji - Wonderous Doors (Summon soul of Onmyouji to turn damage to HP.)
- Samurai - One Sword (Summon soul of a Samurai to attack.)
- Soul of Samurai (Summon soul of Samurai to rebound damage.)
- Soul of Onmyouji (Summon soul of Onmyouji to protect from physical damage.)
- Burial of Dead Bone (Summon gravestones from the underworld to damage all targets.)
- Divine Wind of Onmyousamurai (Onmyouji & Samurai fuse together and attack.)
Dark Eye Secret Technique:
- Grants User With Strong Vision.
- Acupuncture - Needle Barrage (Aim at chakra network of target and throw needles to interfere with chakra recovery.)
- Acupuncture - Meridian Anesthesia (Anesthetize yourself to reduce damage and recover health, but interferes with chakra.)
- Meridian Search (Visualize the position of chakra network of target and give better chance to do critical damage.)
- Meridian Strengthen (Strengthen your chakra network system to recover more chakra.)
- Acupuncture - Meridians Destruction (Aim at chakra network of target and acupuncture to interfere with the target's flow of chakra.)
Demonic Transformation Technique:
- Demonic Transformation: Karas
- Demonic Transformation: Lava Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Ice Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Earth Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Diamond Golem
- Demonic Transformation: Werewolf
- Demonic Transformation: Werebat
- Demonic Transformation: Tinman
- Demonic Transformation: Demonhunter
- Demonic Transformation: Titan (Attack on Titan)
- Demonic Transformation: Ghost Rider
- Ghost Rider Technique: Penance Stare
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Cycle
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Horse
- Ghost Rider Summoning: Ghost Crane
- Demonic Transformation: Spawn
- Spawn Technique: Necroplasm
- Spawn Technique: Necroplasm Chains
- Demonic Transformation: Hollow JB Uchiha
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Soul-Body Separation
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Acidic Touch
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Hollow Flash
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Cero
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Gran Rey Cero
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Black Cavity
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: Counter-Membrane
- Hollow JB Uchiha Technique: High-Speed Regeneration
Hissatsu Technique (Inazuna Eleven Go)
- Seijuu Shining Dragon (Holy Beast Shining Dragon)
- Jinrou Lycaon (Swift Wolf Lycaon)
- Kensei Lancelot (Sword Saint Lancelot)
- Kaitei Neptune (Sea Emperor Neptune)
- Ankoku Shin Dark Exodus
- Bannin no Tou Rook B (Guardian Tower Rook)
- Bannin no Tou Rook W (Guardian Tower Rook)
- Chou Majin Evarth
- Enma Gazard
- Instrumental Maestro Harmonics (Instrumentalist Maestro)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow DF (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow GK (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow OF (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Jinkou Keshin Plasma Shadow SH (Artificial Avatar Plasma Shadow)
- Kenou Kingburn B (Wise Soveriegn Kingburn)
- Kenou Kingburn W (Wise Soveriegn Kingburn)
- Ma Senshi Pendragon (Demon Warrior Pendragon)
- Majin Pegasus (Demon God Pegasus)
- Majin Pegasus Arc (Demon God Pegasus Arc)
- Majo Queen Redia B (Witch Queen Redia)
- Majo Queen Redia W (Witch Queen Redia)
- Masaishou Bishop B (Vizier Magic Bishop)
- Masaishou Bishop W (Vizier Magic Bishop)
- Matai Gryphon (Demon Avatar Gryphon)
- Seiei Hei Pawn B (Elite Soldier Pawn)
- Seiei Hei Pawn W (Elite Soldier Pawn)
- Sengoku Bushin Musashi (War God Mushashi)
- Taiyou Shin Apollo (Sun God Apollo)
- Tekki Hei Knight (Iron Horse Warrior Knight)
Tail Beasts:
- Zero Tail Masked Leech: Detect negative emotions, create dark chakra, & read the hearts of others.
- One Tail Shukaku: Can create magnetic forces & manipulate sand.
- Two Tails Matatabi: Can produce blue flames.
- Three Tails Isobu: Can materialise coral.
- Four Tails Son Goku: Can create & manipulate lava.
- Five Tails Kokuo: Can use steam.
- Six Tails Saiken: Can produce corrosive alkali.
- Seven Tails Chomei: Can fly & produce scale powder. Can also create silk that can suppress chakra absorption techniques.
- Eight Tails Gyuki: Can produce ink.
- Nine Tails Kurama: Can quickly regenerate & detect negative emotions.
- Ten Tails Jubi: Can fly, create Truth-Seeking Balls, & awaken the Rinne Sharingan.
Dimension Transportation Technique:
- Mirror/Reverse Dimension
- Dark Dimension
- JB's Dimension
- Anime Dimension
- Server Dimension
- Multiverse Portal Creation
- Shadow Realm
Demon Wolf Technique:
- Barrier Technique: Demon Wolf Chakra Prison
- Mind Activation Shadow Wolf Cloak
- Shadow Wolf Chakra Mode
- Shadow Wolf Beast Ball
- Shadow Wolf Beam
- Spear of Heaven Shadow Wolf Beam Technique
Special Technique:
- JB Uchiha's Kinjutsu: Great Reversal of Reality and Death
- Kinjutsu: Torture Chamber Illusion (Saw movie series traps)
- Kinjutsu: Rust Toxic (Rots anything in the line of sight)
- Sight Banisher Technique (Permanently destroys all ocular abilities within eye contact)
- Secret Medical Technique: Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan Transplant
- Secret Technique: Mind Labyrith Protection
- Secret Technique: Altering Mind Labyrith
- Secret Technique: Virgin Lust Juice Extraction Technique
- Secret Technique: Vital Organs Rearrangement Technique
Demonic Illusion (Genjutsu)
- Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
- Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
- Demonic Illusion: Burning Paper Body
- Demonic Illusion: Butterfly Evolution
- Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell
- Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings
- Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings
- Demonic Illusion: Flower Head Death
- Demonic Illusion: Flying Shadow
- Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing
- Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow
- Demonic Illusion: Nail Paralysis
- Demonic Illusion: Toad Confrontation Chant
- Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
- Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death Explosion
Summoning: Wrath of the Monarchs
- Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
- Thestalos the Mega Monarch
- Thestalos the Shadowfire Monarch
- Granmarg the Rock Monarch
- Granmarg the Mega Monarch
- Delg the Dark Monarch
- Kuraz the Light Monarch
- Caius the Shadow Monarch
- Caius the Mega Monarch
- Mobius the Frost Monarch
- Mobius the Mega Monarch
- Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch
- Erebus the Underworld Monarch
- Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
- Zaborg the Mega Monarch
- Ehther the Heavenly Monarch
- Raiza the Storm Monarch
- Raiza the Mega Monarch
- Raiza the Shadow Storm Monarch
- Estrome the Star Monarch
- Estrome the Mega Monarch
- Wilhel the Wisdom Monarch
- Wilhel the Mega Monarch
Earth Grudge Fear Technique:
- Earth Grudge Fear
- Earth Grudge Fear: Kongukan
- Earth Grudge Fear: Final Shot
- Earth Release: Earth Spear
- Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work
- Lightning Release: False Darkness
- Water Release: Water Formation Wall
- Wind Release: Pressure Damage
- Strange Mask Exploding Flame
Star Release Jutsu:
- Mysterious Peacock Method
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Beast
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Join
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Destroy
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Wings
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Dragon
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Chakra Rope
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Chakra Predation
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Choke
- Mysterious Peacock Method: Apparition
Saint Power Secret Technique:
- Saint Soul: Extensive knowledge of chakra control allows the user to enhance its own life regeneration.
- Saint Physique: Releases the user's cell regeneration limit when HP hits critical level.
- Saint Fist: Creates a chakra focal point that discharges concentrated shockwaves to purge all positive status from the targets.
- Saint Light: Perfect chakra manipulation allows the user to impart life energy to others.
- Saint Blessing: Absolute chakra control over oneself enables the user to further enhance life regeneration.
- Unyielding Saint: Unleashes the full potential of 'Saint Power' by pushing all cells in the body beyond its limit.
Crystal Release (Guren) Technique:
- Crystal Armour
- Crystal Style: Crimson Fruit
- Crystal Style: Crystal Encampment Wall
- Crystal Style: Crystal Imprisonment Wave
- Crystal Style: Crystal Lance
- Crystal Style: Crystal Needles
- Crystal Style: Crystal Pentagonal Prison
- Crystal Style: Crystal Wheel
- Crystal Style: Growing Crystal Thorns
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Blade
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Hexagonal Pillars
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Mirror
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Prison Technique
- Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation
- Crystal Style: Shuriken Wild Dance
- Crystal Style: String of Glory
- Crystal Style: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon
- Crystal Style: The Gods' Crossings Technique
- Crystal: Giant Hexagonal Shuriken
- Crystal: Hexagonal Shuriken: Wild Dance
- Jade Crystal Clone Technique
- Crystal Style: Stalagtite
Wood Release (Earth + Water) Technique:
- All is Suffering
- Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands
- Kanzeon Lotus King
- Mayfly
- Multiple Wood Release Clone Technique
- Sage Art Wood Style: True Several Thousand Hands
- Spontaneous Tree Summoning
- Top Transformed Buddha
- Transmission Wood
- Wood Clone Technique
- Wood Style Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees
- Wood Style: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees
- Wood Style: Cutting Technique
- Wood Style: Foo Dog Heads
- Wood Style: Four-Pillar House Technique
- Wood Style: Four-Pillar Prison Technique
- Wood Style: Great Forest Technique
- Wood Style: Great Spear Tree
- Wood Style: Hand Tool Manipulation
- Wood Style: Hōbi Technique
- Wood Style: Hotei Technique
- Wood Style: Nativity of a Sea of Trees
- Wood Style: Serial Pillar Houses Technique
- Wood Style: Smothering Binding Technique
- Wood Style: Stocks
- Wood Style: Transformation
- Wood Style: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial
- Wood Style: Underground Roots Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Human Technique
- Wood Style: Wood Locking Wall
- Wood Style: Wood Spikes Ring
- Wood Style: World of Trees Wall
Ice Release (Wind + Water) Technique:
- Certain-Kill Ice Spears
- Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals
- Ice Prison Technique
- Ice Style: Black Dragon Blizzard
- Ice Style: Crystal Wall
- Ice Style: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice
- Ice Style: Frozen Capturing Field
- Ice Style: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness
- Ice Style: Ice-Breaking Sledgehammer
- Ice Style: One Horned White Whale
- Ice Style: Swallow Snow Storm
- Ice Style: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger
- Ice Style: Ten Thousand Ice Petals
- Ice Style: Twin Dragon Blizzard
- Ice Style: Whirlwind
- Ice Style: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique
- Ice Sword Technique
- Ice-Breaking Fist
Dark Release Technique:
- Dark Style: Inhaling Maw
- Dark Style: Judgment
Typhoon Release Technique:
- Typhoon Style: Consecutive Bursting Strong Winds
- Typhoon Style: Great Consecutive Bursting Extreme Winds
Swift Release Technique:
- Swift Style: Shadowless Flight
Steel Release Technique:
- Steel Style: Impervious Armour
- Steel Style: Steel Projectile
- Steel Style: Steel Shield Technique
Scorch Release Technique:
- Scorch Style: Extremely Steaming Murder
- Scorch Style: Great Steaming Explosive Blast
Magnet Release (Wind + Earth) Iron Sand Technique:
- Black Iron Fist
- Black Secret Technique: Black Iron
- Iron Sand Clone
- Iron Sand Drizzle
- Iron Sand Gathering Assault
- Iron Sand Marking
- Iron Sand Wall
- Iron Sand Wave
- Iron Sand Weaponry
- Iron Sand World Method
- Iron Sand: Black Iron Wings
- Magnet Style: Conserving Bee Twin Blades
- Magnet Style: Lightning God Self
- Successive Shots Iron Sand Drizzle
Magnet Release (Wind + Earth) Gold Dust Technique:
- Air Gold Dust Protective Wall
- Magnet Style: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral
Dust Release (Earth, Fire, + Wind) Technique:
- Dust Release: Ecophagy of the Abundant World
- Dust Release: Resurrection of the Lamented World
- Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Omni Abilities:
- Omni Manipulation
Sensory Technique:
- Chakra Sensing Technique
- Emotion Sensing Technique
- Energy Sensing Technique
- Negative Emotion Sensing Technique
- Power Sensory Technique: Allows the user to identify other peoples powers
- Vibration Sensory Technique
Vision Adjustment Technique:
- Slow Motion Viewing Technique
- X-Ray Vision
- Night Vision
- Weather Vision
- Infrared Vision
Surveillance Technique:
- Surveillance via Paper Doll: Create a paper doll of a person, able to hear anything being said within the vicinity of the person.
- Surveillance via Water: Ability to see anywhere the water runs.
- Surveillance via Plant: Ability to see anywhere the plant grows.
- Surveillance via Glass: Ability to see anywhere ice or crystal forms.
Absorption Technique:
- Chakra Absorption
- Power/Energy Absorption
- Saiga Absorption
Dream Technique:
- Kinjutsu: Astral Projection Entering Dream Technique
- Kinjutsu: Physical Projection Entering Dream Technique
- Dream Manipulation
- Nightmare Manipulation
Secret Genjutsu:
- Scornful Caress
- Femanine Lust
- Femanine Extreme Lust
- Secret Technique: Femanine Extreme Lust
- Secret Technique: Pleasure Island (F/M)
Basic Technique:
- Quick Mode Change
- Curse Form (Stage 1 & 2)
- Copying Ability
- Hypnosis Ability
- Ability To See The Truth
- Ability To See The Flow of Chakra
- Ability To Track & Predict The Movements
- 360 Vision Technique
- Sight Sharing Technique
- Future Sight Technique
- Ability to see human life span
- Ability to see a persons true name
- Ability to hear the heart beat of a person & identify who that person truly loves
- Ability to cause Yugioh card effects to become real
- Ability to peer into a person's mind or soul & discern what is happening within
- Ability to bond to its bearer's spirit
- Ability to record events using his eyes
- Spirit Sense Technique (Read the memories of corpse)
- Glyphs Technique (Castlevania Order of Ecclesia)
- Eidetic Memory Ability (Photographic memory)
- Transcend The Confines of Time and Space Ability (See The Emotions of All Living Things)
- Magic Techniques
Rasengan Technique:
- Rasengan Uzuhiko
- Five Seals Rasengan
- Rasendan (Spiralling Bullet)
- Planetary Devastation Rasengan
- Rasengan
- Mini Rasengan
- Massive Rasengan
- Shadow Rasengan (Dark Ninja Art)
- Big Ball Rasengan
- Big Ball Spiralling Serial Zone Spheres
- Planetary Rasengan
- Spiralling Absorption Sphere
- Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan
- Compression Rasengan
- Super Compression Rasengan
- Crescent Moon Rasengan
- Deep Crimson Spiral
- Gelel Rasengan
- Gentle Step Spiralling Twin Lion Fists
- Guts Rasengan
- Naruto and Shion's Super Chakra Rasengan
- Parent and Child Rasengan
- Rasengan: "Unison"
- Runt Ball Rasengan
- Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan
- Seven-Coloured Rasengan
- Spiralling Bullet
- Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Spiralling Strife Spheres
- Student and Teacher: Rasengan
- Supreme Ultimate Rasengan
- Tailed Beast Rasengan
- Tornado Rasengan
- Ultra-Many Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres
- Vanishing Rasengan
- Wind Release: Rasengan
- Rasengan: Flash
- Typhoon Water Vortex Technique
- Blazing Rasengan
- Fire Style: Flame Rasengan
- Baryon Rasengan
Antenna Power (Asura Path):
- Revive
- Falling Rock
- Fireball
- Water Gun
- Whirlwind
- Insult
- Icicle
- Tiny Heal
- Awaken
- Chain
- Weak Flash
- Weaken
- Fire Cracker
- On The Rock
- Lullaby
- Always Treasure
- Double Gold
- Cure Poison
- Cure Burn
- Cure Sleep
- Cure Paralysis
- Cure Frozen
- Cure Blind
- Invincible
- Excitement
- Rage
- Wall
- Haste
- Dodge
- Fatal
- Paralyze
- Blindfold
Shadow Extraction Technique (Solo Leveling):
- Enhanced Strength
- Telekinesis
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Defensive Capabilities
- Enhanced Strength
- Shout of Provocation
- Regeneration
- Gravity Magic
- Regeneration
- Hymn of Protection: Conjures a shield around himself or around a target.
- Hymn of the Fire Dragon: Shoots a massive beam of fire from mouth.
- Hymn of the Blazing Fire: Shoots off a wave of fireballs.
- Hymn of Agony: Curses a target with intense pain.
- Hymn of Frenzy: Weakens a target's defense, increasing the amount of damage they take from attacks.
- Hymn of Blindness: Blinds a target.
- Hymn of Slumber: Drains a target of their stamina.
- Hymn of Lethargy: Petrifies a target in place.
- Hymn of Rage
- Hymn of Strengthening: Buffs himself or a target in strength.
- Hymn of Giants: Drastically grows in size using mana.
- Hymn of Combustion
- Flight
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Speed
- Regeneration
- Gluttony: Absorb the skills and knowledge of those he consumes.
- Flight
- Size Manipulation: Increase his strength at the cost of agility and speed by growing in size, and vice versa by compressing the body.
- Paralysis Poison: Spit an extremely concentrated poison from the mouth. This poison is exponentially more toxic than its original version and kills a target in seconds.
- Healing Magic
- Enhanced Strength
- Growth: Grow drastically in size using mana.
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Durability
- Dragon's Fear: Release a mana-infused shout from his soul that would drive those weaker than him into a state of intense despair and panic.
- Dragon's Breath: Able to shoot potent blasts of fire from his mouth.
- Enhanced Strength
- Regeneration
- Immense Strength
- Immense Durability
- Immense Speed
- Flight
- Regeneration
Min Byung-Gyu:
- Healing Magic: Able to instantly heal Baek and Ma Dongwook back to prime condition after the Ant Queen spit poison all over them. He was also able to quickly grow back Ma's arms after the Ant King ripped them off and easily heal Cha back to full health from the brink of death.
- Buff Magic: Buff the stats of his fellow hunters through his spellbook.
- Disguise: Able to blend in with his surroundings and hide all traces of his presence, essentially turning himself both physically and magically invisible.
Ant Queen:
- Poison: Able to spray a large volume of purple poison from her mouth.
Shadow Giants:
- Immense Strength
Domain Expansion:
- Malevolent Shrine: Hits anything within its effective range relentlessly with slashing attacks. JB can customize the range of his technique up to 200 meters. Anything with cursed energy is hit with cleave and inanimate objects are destroyed with dismantle.
- Coffin of the Iron Mountain: Traps the target inside a large volcano hot enough to combust normal sorcerers upon entering. In addition to his pyrokinesis, JB can control the earth within the volcano to attack as well.
- Unlimited Void: Traps the target inside the Limitless, Once inside, flooding them with endless information , rendering them immobile.
- Horizon of the Captivating Skandha: Is a beach area that allows JB to freely control vasts amounts of water as well as several dozen fish-like shikigami.
- Self-Embodiment of Perfection: Allows JB to manipulate the souls of anyone caught inside his domain, discarding the condition that requires JB to touch his target.
- Chimera Shadow Garden: In its incomplete form allows JB to fill an area with thick fluid shadows and summon countless shikigami from them, as well as utilize advanced manipulation of his shadows.
- Smallpox Deity: Traps the target in a coffin, buries them underground using a large falling boulder gravestone, and begins a three count. If the victim can't escape the coffin within those three seconds they'll be infected with smallpox and die.
- Deadly Sentencing: Is a court-themed area that allows JB to impose a trial upon his target. All violence is prohibited in the area and the trials are judged by JB's shikigami, Judgeman. The domain's trials may end in two possibilities, a guilty verdict and an innocent verdict.
- Idle Death Gamble: Is a pachinko-themed domain that enters all participants into a gambling game. If JB is able to hit the jackpot, he gains a temporary boost of unlimited cursed energy.
- Time Cell Moon Palace: Is a domain where everyone must abide by the 24 FPS rule or have every cell in their entire body attacked by lines of animation frames.
- Womb Profusion: Takes the form of a giant pillar of cursed spirits capable of blasting a target into oblivion with its sure-hit effect.
- Threefold Affliction: Expands a domain with mushroom-like appendages floating around an empty space. It guarantees JB's constructed attacks hit their target.
Titan Transformation:
- The Founding Titan: By screaming, could turn Subjects of Ymir into Titans, control the minds of Titans, and alter the memories and bodies of Subjects of Ymir, but only if the inheritor had royal blood or was in contact with a Titan of royal blood. It was connected to all Subjects of Ymir and Titans via paths. JB's form of the Founding Titan is called Doomsday Titan.
- The Armored Titan: Is covered by hardened, armor-like skin, except in key areas necessary for movement. It also possessed the ability to harden its arms and feet into sharper claws which could be used to climb structures such as the Walls
- The Attack Titan: Could receive memories from both past and future inheritors of the Titan. Guided by these memories, it always moved ahead, fighting for freedom.
- The Beast Titan: Could take on the physical characteristics of different animals that vary between its inheritors.
- The Cart Titan: Is quadrupedal and had great endurance that allowed it to stay transformed for long periods of time, as well as transform in rapid succession without needing to rest, hundreds of times per day even. Its speed rivaled that of the Jaw Titan.
- The Colossus Titan: Is enormous and could emit immense amounts of steam from its body like a blast furnace, at the gradual cost of its muscle tissue. The user was able to control the Titan's transformation power and blast radius.
- The Jaw Titan: Is the swiftest of the Nine Titans and had sharp, hardened teeth and claws capable of damaging or breaking almost anything.
- The War Hammer Titan: could materialize various weapons and structures from its own hardened flesh. It could be controlled from afar through a cable of Titan flesh while the user remained hidden within a hardened crystal casing.
Surgical Success: Allows JB to perform any type of surgery with a 100% success rate. Using his Eternal Rinne-Mangekyou Sharingan, the success rate increases to the point the patient makes a perfect recovery with no complication.
Toon Force: An ability that refers to characters manipulating reality or bypassing physical laws of nature in order to achieve impossible feats for comedic effects. The users bend reality in such a way to make situations "Comedic" and "Funny."
Time Manipulation: Allows JB to manipulate time using his Eternal Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan. This ability has no limitation allowing JB to fast forward, rewind, or freeze time to however long he wants.
Chrono Stasis: When the tomoe pulsates, time will freeze affecting both living and non-living.
Reverse Stasis: When tomoe rotates counter clockwise, time will rewind.
Quick Stasis: When tomoe rotates clockwise, time will fast forward.
Hairpin: When JB snaps his fingers and a large crimson colored cross appears out of the target's chest killing them instantly. It is unknown how the ability works, but it is noted to be one of his strongest techniques. However, it does drain a lot of energy which prevents him from using the technique multiple times.
Konai Bakuhatsu: Also known as mouth blast or mouth energy wave. JB releases an extremely powerful blast of energy from his mouth.
Fenrir's Might: Transform into a giant ice wolf at will with immense size and strength. You have the power to create armor of ice from your body and your howl can create powerful blizzards.
Nen Master: Allows JB to use every Nen ability from the Hunter X Hunter universe.
God of Pokemon: Allows JB to carry seven pokeballs instead of the standard six. Each pokeball is empty and the Pokemon inside is determined by JB himself on which Pokemon he wants to call for battle. He can also access all the moves along with the abilities of the Pokemon that were summoned. This ability is different from his summoning jutsu which lets JB summon as many Pokemons he wants.
Lord of Alchemy: Allows JB to use every Alchemy abilities from the Fullmetal Alchemist universe.
Giganto Drill Wolf Spiral Flash Destroyer: JB's ultimate technique which requires Limit Breaker technique.
I am Atomic: Magic is concentrated into a sword, leading to a devastating subsequent strike. The impact releases an explosion of magic that disintegrates everything caught inside it
Expansion Orbs: Create orbs that can expand as big as you want, they can phase through enemies and can be expanded around you as a shield.
Maximized Magic: Reality Slash - Creates three attacks that slashes space itself. It is capable of cleaving through the very fabric of space, and a hit from this powerful attack spell can disregard virtually any form of magical defense.
Kinjutsu Super Rejuvenation: JB uses all of his powers (mana, magicule, chakra, ki, etc.) to rejuvenate parts of the world or the entire world back to its prime state fixing any/all damage making everything as good as new. This exhaust so much power that it causes JB to be in a weaken state for a week just to replesh his strenght.
Abysm Strike: JB quickly charges and releases a Fatal Strike.
Plot Armor: Allows JB to be preserved from harm due to his necessity for the plot to proceed despite it not making sense with the logic of the world.
Bunkai Teleport: Stemming mostly, if not completely, from his power to control reality, JB has the power to fade backwards while he is breaking into cubes, very similar to the Instant Transmission, only he does not leave all at once.
Triple Maximized Magic: Call Greater Thunder - When using Triple Maximize Magic with this 9th tier spell, three enormous thunderbolts are created and fused from multiple strands of lightning that can pierce through their target.
(Genjutsu) Cynical Surgical Madness: Traps the target under a powerful genjutsu which the target will be laying down on a surgical table and is forced to watch their body getting disected removing all the organs along with getting chop into several pieces. The pain induced with this Genjutsu is so powerful, it can cause the victim to die.
Absolute Cancel: Allows JB to cancel the effects of any magic.
Powerpuff Kirby: Allows JB to use every form and power of Kirby.
Devil's Coffin: Involves manifesting and opening the devil's coffin on the count of nine. Anyone who hears the counting at a close distance will be forcefully captured into the devil's coffin upon reaching nine. JB claims to get very bad vibes from it and believes it to be something really nasty.
Almighty Mage: Allows JB to use every magic from the Fairy Tail universe, Overlord universe, Seven Deadly Sins universe, Mashle Universe, etc.
Digimon Emperor: Allows JB to summon any Digimon from any level or mode with his Digivice and can access all of their abilities.
Kings Domain: Allows JB to use every Domain Expansion from the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.
Pyromaniac: Allows JB to use every Pyrokinetic abilities from the Fire Force universe.
Cursed Conviction: By awakening his Eternal Darkness Mangekyou Rinne-Sharingan, JB can release a large amount of energy around him which can shatter the reality of the entire universe. This also amplifies his abilities which equals to the fusion of all main characters in their prime form of every anime universe.
Biohazard Technique: Allows the user to make anyone sick by revealing the biohazard tattoo on their left palm.
X-Antibody Ability: Immune to 1000 different types of poisons.
Zone: Allows the user to create an impenetrable barrier within 1000m which can only be removed by the user or if the user dies. Nothing can enter or leave the barrier and all sounds are nullified inside and outside the barrier.
Tool Creation Technique: Manifest special red glowing malleable chakra, which floats in chakram-like form behind the back.
Nail Injection Technique: Elongates Pointer Finger Nail & uses as a medical syringe.
Soul Trap: Ability to trap souls in any area the user wishes by touching any part of the target's body.
Spiritualism: Allows JB to host every Spirits from the Shaman King universe and use every Oversoul abilities.
Harvester of Fruits: Allows JB to use every Devil Fruit abilities and Angel Fruit abilities from the One Piece universe.
Eternal Quirk: Allows JB to use every Quirk from the My Hero Academia universe.
Limitless Bankai: Allows JB to use every and all Bankai from the Bleach universe.
United We Stand: Allows JB to use every Stand from the Jojo Bizarre universe.
Master LINK: Allows JB to use every Bow/Arrows, Swords, and Shields along with all of Link's abilities including Sheikah slate power.
Absolute Zero - Ice Age: JB can instantly freeze anything he touches which could reach a range of 1000 meters. However, it does have a side effect which frost starts to accumulate on his body making him slower and breath heavier.
Maximized Magic Gravity Maelstrom: A spiraling black ball of gravity.
Maximized Magic: Thousand Bone Lance - Thousands of bone spikes emerges from the ground and fires at the target similar to a homing missle.
Hissatsu Striker: Allows JB to use every Hissatsu technique from the Inazuna Eleven Go universe.
House of the Nobles: Allows JB to use every Noble Phantasm from the Fate/Stay universe.
8th Tier Maximized Magic: Astral Smite - An attack that is effective against Ethereal beings. This also counts against beings, who are temporarily Ethereal.
Widen Magic: Cry of the Banshee - AoE Spell which can cause Instant Death. When used as 'Widen Magic,' it affects an area of 100 meters around the caster.
Super Duper Mario: Allows JB to use every power-up Mario ever had.
- Bee Mushroom: Bee Mario
- Big Mushroom: Big Mario
- Blue Shell: Shell Mario
- Boo Mushroom: Boo Mario
- Boomerang Flower: Boomerang Mario
- Bubble Flower: Bubble Mario
- Cape Feather: Cape Mario
- Carrot: Bunny Mario
- Cloud Flower: Cloud Mario
- Double Cherry: Double Mario
- Drill Mushroom: Drill Mario
- Elephant Fruit: Elephant Mario
- Fire Flower: Fire Mario
- Frog Suit: Frog Mario
- Giga Bell: Giga Cat Mario
- Gold Flower: Gold Mario
- Hammer Suit: Hammer Mario
- Ice Flower: Ice Mario
- Invisibility Bell: White Cat Mario
- Invincibility Leaf: White Tanooki Mario
- Lucky Bell: Cat Mario
- Master Sword: Link Mario
- Mega Mushroom: Mega Mario
- Metal Cap: Metal Mario
- Mini Mushroom: Mini Mario
- Mystery Mushroom: Costume Mario
- P-Acorn: P Flying Squirrel Mario
- P-Wing: Raccoon Mario
- Penguin Suit: Penguin Mario
- Power Balloon: Balloon Mario
- Propeller Mushroom: Propeller Mario
- Rainbow Star: Rainbow Mario
- Red Star: Flying Mario
- Rock Mushroom: Rock Mario
- SMB2 Mushroom: SMB2 Mario
- Spring Mushroom: Spring Mario
- Statue Leaf: Tanooki Mario/Statue Mario
- Super Acorn: Flying Squirrel Mario
- Superball Flower: Superball Mario
- Super Bell: Cat Mario
- Super Hammer: Builder Mario
- Super Leaf: Raccoon Mario
- Super Mushroom: Super Mario
- Super Star: Invincible Mario
- Vanish Cap: Vanish Mario
- Weird Mushroom: Weird Mario
- Wing Cap: Wing Mario
- Capsule: Dr. Mario
Idle Transfiguration: Allows JB to distort the shape of souls and transfigure their respective bodies as a result.
Saiyan Blood: Allows JB to transform into any Saiyan form from the Dragon Ball universe.
Art Master: Allows JB to use every Blood Demon Art ability from the Demon Slayer universe.
Omega Sonic: Allows JB to access all the powers of Sonic the Hedgehog and can summon any hedgehog from the Sonic universe.
Soul Snatch: Allows JB to steal peoples souls and add their life span to his own.
Soul Dragon: It steals the souls of people that it touches instantly which will result in killing them.
Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon: Grants access to all the world treasure that JB has collected & launches them as the strongest arrows towards his enemies.
Stockpile: Ability to store different types of abilities and/or copies of abilities. The user's body acts as a storage for the abilities, but can also be used by the user of this ability.
Omni-Manipulation: Ability to manipulate anything living to non-living, elemental to non-elemental, and beyond matter of existence.
Mummy: The bandages around parts of JB's body act as a symbiote enabling him to grab things, slice through enemies, and restrain targets. The bandages are extremely durable and strong making it difficult to cut or break. It appears to be an extension of his Fabric Manipulation ability.
The Hollow Titan: Allows JB to use the abilities of all 9 original titans. You can shift into any titan or Hollow Titan which is a mix of all of them all. You can also summon hordes of Attack Titans.
Wizard King: Allows JB to use every magic and Grimoire from the Black Clover universe.
Disruption Cube: Allows JB to summon large black cubes which are capable of interfering with the abilities of Sensor Type individuals. The cubes themselves are very heavy, usually being dropped from above to crush anything below.
Rage: A rare ability that amplifies all of JB's abilities times 1000 when he feels extreme anger.
Lifeforce: Absorb the target's life energy by touching them with your hand.
All Fiction: Allows JB to deny all the effects of reality.
Infinity: Allows JB to stop the time of his spells and make them last for as long as he likes.
Wind Breathing 2nd Form: Claws-Purifying Wind - The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern.
Power Transfer: Allows the user to transfer an ability to another person. The ability can be transferred in two way depending on the user's preference.
Method 1: A ritual in which the person gaining the ability would be sitting in the center of an arcanic circle. This method can take up to 24 hours to be completed. This method will be cancelled if anything happens to the user of this ability or the person being granted the ability. Additionally, if the incantation was interrupted the transfer process will also be cancelled.
Method 2: The user of this ability will bite the person being granted an ability on a certain part of their body which a seal will then be placed. This seal will serve as a contract for the transfer of the ability and can take an hour to two hours for the seal to be completed. This method is much more preferred by JB when transferring abilities to females that are important to him as the seal place also acts as a tracker which allows JB to located the seal bearer's location at all times.
Rashomon Technique: Rashomon is summoned from, but not limited to, JB's coat and any other garments he wears. It transforms into an omnivorous, shadow-like black beast. It takes on a form of a shadow-like beast made up of what seems to be dark matter, drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar sources. It can consume anything, even space itself. Once space is split, guns or fire cannot hurt JB. He can also freely pull himself out from his overcoat in order to free himself when faced in a dangerous situation. It is also capable of digging and slicing the ground so it can be used for stealth purposes, can serve as a foothold for attacks, can be used as a tool to restrain someone, using the ability's fabric as a cast to set his broken bone, or basically a tool to slice other things as a defense in a battle.
Advance Body Modification: Allows JB to modify his body to an advanced degree further enhancing his abilities and allowing him to use other abilities that have requirements.
- Engine on legs: Allows JB to use the Quirk Engine.
- Multiple tools: Allows JB to use the Quirk Tool Arms.
- Mouth on palm of hands: Allows JB to use Deidara's Jutsus.
- Mouth on the right side of chest: Allows JB to use the Jutsu C0.
- Kakuzu's body modification: Allows JB to use Kakuzu's Justu Earth Grudge Fear.
- Asura Path's (Nagato) body modification: Allows JB to use Asura Path's (Nagato) Jutsus.
- Antenna: Allows JB to use Antenna Power.
- Peg Leg: Allows JB to use the Nen Spinning Top.
- Plasma Cannon on Right Arm: Allows JB to use Sonic Cannon.
- Tail: Allows JB to use the Quirk Tail & other tail related techniques.
- Elasticity: Allows JB to extend parts of his body similar to Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic 4.
- Shark Body Modification: Changes JB's body similar to Kisame Hoshigaki's body type.
- Rapid Weight Gain: Allows JB to use the Akimichi clan's jutsus.
- Soft Physique Modification: Allows JB to bend his entire body as if he has no skeletal structure.
- Horns: Allows JB to use the Quirk Horn Cannon.
- Flamethrower (Right Hand): Allows JB to use Wave Burner and Last Insanity.
- Hole on Right Palm: Allows JB to use two abilities, Wind Tunnel/Kazaana and Slicing Sound Wave.
Emotion Manifestation: Allows JB to manifest separate versions of himself or others, often by way of the user each embodying a specific emotion or even multiple emotions. When creating an incarnation of the subjects emotions, his copy may primarily exhibit that specific emotion or other psychological aspects of his template, though they may also have their own personalities, characteristics, abilities and attributes, either connected or not to the emotion which they were manifested from.
Cursed Speech: Cursed speech is activated when the user utters words or commands aloud that are reinforced with cursed energy. This action compels the listener to act or be acted upon as a command.
- Repent: The target will feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
- Barrier: Creates an impenetrable barrier around the user or their target.
- Repel: Pushes the target away up to 150 meters.
- Ignite: The target will be set ablaze.
- Shackles: Shackles will suddenly appear on the target's wrists, legs, & neck, restraining their movement.
- Climax: The target will have an orgasm.
- Teleport: Teleport the target to a random location.
- Kneel: Forces his target to kneel before him.
- Run Away: Forces the target to run away.
Full Counter (Physical & Magic): Allows JB to reflect both physical and magical attack back to his opponent, but with more than triple the power; therefore, the stronger the opponent's powers are, the stronger the user's power becomes.
Fluff: Allows JB to summon and control an infinite amount of flesh eating small dark entities which are the size of cotton balls. Their body appears to be made of smoke and acts like parasites. They are also called Entities.
Weather Manipulation via Emotion: One of JB's very rare abilities allowing him to manipulate the weather within a certain range based on what emotion he is feeling from the 6 basic emotions.
- Sadness: Moderate rain with slight gust of wind. The ideal weather for lonesome people.
- Depressed: A strong rainy weather with powerful gust of winds. There are also loud roars of thunder and flashes of lightning. This is a advance version of Sadness.
- Happiness: Warm sunny weather with refreshing breeze during Spring Season.
- Fear: A thick mist-like weather with zero visibility making even the brightest light useless.
- Surprise: A Spring season weather with a beautiful rainbow and refreshing winds.
- Anger: Hot Summer weather which is perfect for going to beaches, but gradually gets hotter the more angry JB gets.
- Disgust: A Winter weather that consists of cold air and blizzards capable of freezing any water within minutes.
Eight Dragon Technique:
- First Dragon: It specializes in decursing and psychological attack. If it bites you, you could have your memories destroyed.
- Corpse Flame Dragon: It is an undead fire dragon with flames erupting from its bones. It damage things with an energy drain that seemingly burns life force itself.
- One-Eyed Cobra Dragon: A water dragon that summons rainstorms. Its fangs contain the undiluted concept of poison, so anything living it bites will either die or experience a fate worse than death.
- Spearhead Dragon: It releases lightning from its body and fires lasers from its mouth.
- Four-Eyed Dragon: It has multiple eye power. It has illusion and hypnotism powers that can blur the line between dreams and reality. It is also a singer with a beautiful voice that can shatter even Shadow Metal.
- Blind Dragon: A darkness dragon. It too has a powerful psychological effect, so you'll be overcome with terror and confusion when it's nearby.
- Ice Crystal Dragon: It is as tough and solid as the planet itself and it breathes ice.
- Angel Dragon: Could emit a light from the cross on its head that transformed what it struck into salt and its feathers could brainwash.
Rainbow Ring: Allows JB to wield and use all Lantern Corps rings from the DC universe.
- Green: Willpower
- Black: Death
- Red: Rage
- Blue: Hope
- Yellow: Fear
- White: Life
- Violet: Love
- Orange: Greed
- Indigo: Compassion
- Ultraviolet: Negative Emotion
- Gold: Guardian of the Universe
Jinchuriki Overlord: Host all Tail Beasts from the Naruto universe and can use all of their abilities.
- Zero Tailed Masked Leech
- One Tailed Shukaku
- Two Tailed Matatabi
- Three Tailed Isobu
- Four Tailed Son Goku
- Five Tailed Kokuo
- Six Tailed Saiken
- Seven Tailed Chomei
- Eight Tailed Gyuki
- Nine Tailed Kurama
- Ten Tailed Jubi
8 Heavenly Virtue:
- Hope: Commune and Influence and creature, channel powers from any non-human creature. Become stronger the more danger you are in and channel the power of any spirit.
- Patience: Superhuman senses, muddle the thoughts and emotions of others, turn anything into explosive with touch, meditate and unlock new potential, enter a Berserker mode where all stats are 10x.
- Chastity: Immune to all harmful contaminants, conjure and customize any kind of cages and binding, control attraction and repulsion, and create and manipulate any kind of acid and antibodies.
- Diligence: Wield telekinesis, manipulate any kind of focus, infuse your focus into whatever you touch, any/all aspects/parts of you, and control them, teleport in any way you want, and 9x all stats when ""in the zone.""
- Kindness: Creatures always don't want to kill you, 8x physical/mental stats when smiling, double in power from giving/receive true kindness, teleport through light, and cause any kind of shockwaves with your laugh.
- Temperance: Manipulate limits, control any string-like objects, freeze the movement of any creature you look at, and conjure chains that can be made from anything or have any properties.
- Humility: Sense defeat, control any kind of invisibility, Manipulate shadows, See any hidden details, See through any kind of invisibility and illusions, and draw attention away from anything.
- Charity: Give your weaknesses to other creatures, amplify the powers of others, manipulate replication, make sacrifices of any kind and gain powers from them, and give powers from defeated enemies to allies.
Breathing Master: Allows JB to use every Breathing technique from the Demon Slayer universe.
- Sun Breathing
- Water Breathing
- Flower Breathing
- Serpent Breathing
- Insect Breathing
- Moon Breathing
- Flame Breathing
- Love Breathing
- Thunder Breathing
- Sound Breathing
- Stone Breathing
- Wind Breathing
- Mist Breathing
- Beast Breathing
Onikuma Clan's Hijutsu: A unique Secret jutsu that is described as a "possession-type" Summoning Technique, the technique mutates the users arms into a beast-like form granting them enhanced strength and allowing them to stretch similarly to the Soft Physique Modification. Similar to Jugo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai, this technique can prove mentally unstable at times as it can cause the user to assume a more bestial form when they become emotionally vulnerable resulting in them losing complete control over the technique.
Infinity Chakra: Allows JB to use every jutsu including Kekkei Genkai & Kekkei Tota from the Naruto and Boruto Universe.
Symbiote Vessel: Allows JB to store all symbiotes inside his body which allows him to use all their abilities. JB can also counter the symbiotes weakness by using his other abilities such as soundproof or silence.
List of Symbiotes:
- Venom
- Carnage
- Scream
- Lasher
- Phage
- Agony
- Riot
- Hybrid
- Toxin
- Anti-Venom
- Mania
- Knull
- Sleeper
- Merideus
- Rascal
- Mister E
- Dreadface
- Rune-Venom
- Krobaa
- Neo-Symbiote
- Exolon
- Payback
- Scorn
Pocket Space: Allows JB to have unlimited storage inside his pockets and bag which lets him store anything he wants.
Bone Spike Generation: JB could generate razor-sharp drill-like bone-spikes from his wrists. This ability is an extension of his Bone Manipulation ability.
Language Sync: Allows JB to speak and understand every language in the universe.
Bankai Plundering: Allows JB to steal any Shinigami's Bankai from the Bleach universe.
Quill Generation: JB was able to sprout porcupine-like quills from his body, most notably his entire face and head.
Limitless Charge: Allows all electronic devices to be fully charged while in JB's hand. The devices does not overheat or damage from this ability making it perfect for unlimited 24/7 usage.
Metal Vessel King: Allows JB to access and use all metal vessels in the Magi universe which gives him access to all djinn equip transformations and powers.
Beelzebub: Allows JB to absorb targets, as if it was a Black Hole. It is similar to Wind Tunnel or Kazaana but is much more stronger. It can absorb organic matter, inorganic matter, aura, magicules, skills, magic, and even space itself.
Let's Go Ultra: Allows JB to transform into and use every abilities of Ultraman from the Ultraman universe.
Psionic Energy Manipulation: JB is able to create, shape and manipulate psionic energy which he can use for a variety of effects, mostly creating weapons out of it or enhancing other weapons that he carries with her such as his katana.
Sky Surfer: JB summons a hoverboard and flies through the sky with ease and style.
List of Hoverboards:
- Big Kahuna
- Daredevil
- Hot Rod
- Atomic Tile
- Aero Fish
- Super Sonic
- D-Board Proto
- D-Board
- X321
- X321 Version 2
Surfer's Wipeout: JB launches his hoverboard at the target dealing damage. Amongs all of his hoverboard, Hot Rod causes the most damage due to its high fuel storage.
Magic Mirror: Allows JB to create a small circular mirror which allows him to view any person he wishes. The is ability can be use to spy on a specific target and can also be use for indecent acts such as requesting the mirror to view private parts of a woman. Additionally, the user can interact with what is shown on the mirror and there will be no visible indication on what the user is doing.
10 Shadow Technique: Using shadows as an intermediary, this technique allows the user to summon ten different shikigami.
- Divine Dogs
- Nue
- Toad
- Giant Serpent
- Max Elephant
- Rabbit Escape
- Round Deer
- Piercing Ox
- Tiger Funeral
- Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga
Ice Calamity — Thousand Thorn Blizzard: JB creates a massive number of ice swords that hang in the air. With his command, they all converge onto his target.
Ice Calamity — Flooding Snow Lights: Summons a large amount of ice spikes and fires them at his target.
Ice Calamity — Infinitesimal Fans of Light: Summons eight large ice mirrors that reflect astral energy. One faint ray of light is shot from a mirror onto another, multiplying as they reflected off more mirrors. Once they had over a hundred lights, they shot through the target at the center.
Superheroes Heavy Hitter Mayhem: Allows JB to use every power of every characters from the Superhero Heavy Hitters tiktok filter.
- Batman Who Laughs The Darkest Knight
- Doctor Doom God Emperor
- Batgirl Shazam
- Batman Hellbat Armor
- Lobo The Mask
- Doctor Strange Black Priest
- Ultron Infinity Ultron
- Frank Castle Cosmic Ghost Rider
- Black Panther Star Panther
- Professor X Dr. Strangefate
- Wally West Dr. Manhattan
- Hal Jordan Spectre
- Hawkgirl White Lantern
- Iron Man Iron Hammer
- Thor Rune King
- Joker Emperor
- Black Widow Worthy
- Superman Cosmic Armor
- Loki God of Stories
- Deadpool Dreadpool
- Carnage Dark Carnage
- Doomsday Doctor Doomsday
- Thanos Astral Regulator
- Darkseid True Form
- Anti-Monitor 6th Dimension
- Johnny Blaze King of Hell
- Robin King Robin
- Raven Unkindness
- Aquaman Water Wraith
- Black Canary Green Lantern
- Captain America Soldier Supreme
- Green Goblin Goblin King
- Scarlet Witch True Darkhold
- Johnny Blaze Zarathos Power
- Alfred Injustice Pill
- Spider-Man Beyonder
- Frank Castle Cosmic GR Phoenix
- Zatanna Otherkind
- Captain Marvel Binary
- Brainiac One Million
- Robbie Reyes All-Rider
- Alfred Pennyworth Spectre
- Magneto Brother Mutant
- Venom God of Light
- Groot Ultimate Form
- Hulk The One Below All
- Nightwing Superwing
- Hawkman Dragon of Barbatos
- Thing Infinity Thing
- Wolverine Old Man Phoenix
- Swamp Thing World Tree
- Deathstroke Speed Force
- Dormammu Eternity Power
- Flash Kingdom Come
- Jean Grey White Phoenix
- Lex Luthor Mazahs
- Martian Manhunter Fernus
- Shazam God of Gods
- Vision House of Ideas
- Wonder Woman Anti-Crisis Energy
Critical Over: Augments the user's physical strength to its absolute limits and lasts until their magic power is totally exhausted.
Combo Star: As long as JB continues attacking his opponent without interruption, each consecutive blow receives an additional 200,000 pounds of force compared to the previous one. If the chain of attacks is interrupted then it resets and he has to restart his count once more.
Wave Burner: A short-ranged flamethrower that can hit enemies multiple times while active that uses a special type of gas and releases green flames. These flames can also be released from his fingertips. When used underwater, it is unable to create flames and harm enemies, but releases waves that can push some enemies and objects.
Memory Sculpting: Allows JB to add, remove, or alter specific memories within oneself or others.
The Three Wise Monkeys: A rare ability which when JB touches his target, they will lose their ability to see, hear, and speak.
Remote Mine: A remote controlled bomb that JB usually fires three times in a row and can be detonated any time.
Tengu Blade: A multitasking sword weapon that can send out a projectile as well as being used as a slashing weapon.
Copy Vision: Allows JB to generate a holographic copy of himself to appear forward his current position to shoot at enemies. The copy fires twenty-eight shots before disappearing.
Magic Card: This ability can steal energy from enemies, allowing JB to restore his own health. JB just needs to hurl special playing cards and each damage his recieves, it drains some of the target's lifeforce and when the cards returns to JB, it will heal his injuries.
Lightning Bolt: JB will hover in the air and summon a rain of powerful lightning bolts that cover the entire battlefield
Spread Drill: Allows JB to fire a drill-like missile that can separate into smaller drills.
Aqua Aera: This Magic warps the user and chosen others in between dimensions. In order for the Magic to occur a water medium must be present first.
Ice Wall: Creates an ice column that can be pushed to attack enemies. The Ice Wall shatters after some time, breaking faster when damaged. Creating an Ice Wall above or in the same position of an enemy will make the column hit the target several times before breaking, causing massive damage to stronger enemies. The ice column can also protect the user against some attacks from the opposite side.
Blood Demon Art: Flesh Seed - Creates miniscule seed-shaped flesh which then protrude giant spikes in every direction, used to pierce the targets body and restrain them. Once inside the body, the spikes continue branching out in the target's flesh, making them hard to pull out. Multiple seeds can be created at once, and seemingly materialize in thin air.
Magic Mirror: Allows JB to create a small circular mirror which allows him to view any person he wishes. The is ability can be use to spy on a specific target and can also be use for indecent acts such as requesting the mirror to view private parts of a woman. Additionally, the user can interact with what is shown on the mirror and there will be no visible indication on what the user is doing on the target.
Memory Play: Allows JB to view his target's memories by touching their head. He will be able to see all their memories from the day they were born till present day. Additionally, JB can also view the target's memory from their past lives too.
Amplification: Amplifies JB's sound based techniques times ten.
DNA Splicer/Absofusion: Allows JB to fuse two or more Pokemon together to create an entirely new Pokemon (Refer to Pokemon Fusion folder).
Rashield: Allows JB to summon a lightning-type wall that emerges in front of him. This shield electrolizes and reflects the enemy's attack back at them.
Soul Swap: Allows JB to swap the souls of two targets making them switch lives.
The 10 Commandments: Is a "cursed" Magical Power created by the Demon King over 3,000 years ago, and each has a unique curse of absolute power bestowed upon anyone who breaks its rule, even upon the holder themself. However, JB is able to counter the effects of the commandments making him immune to their effects,
- Commandment of Faith: Anyone who shows a lack of faith will have their eyes set ablaze.
- Commandment of Love: Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else.
- Commandment of Pacifism: Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, causing them to rapidly age and die.
- Commandment of Patience: Anyone who shows intolerance of pain will be inflicted with further pain.
- Commandment of Piety: Anyone who shows their back to the wielder will become an obedient slave of the Demon King and by extension, the commandment's holder.
- Commandment of Purity: Anyone who conducts impure deeds will be inflicted with illness.
- Commandment of Repose: Anyone who fights without rest will get their magic sealed away.
- Commandment of Reticence: Anyone who expresses hidden feeling and/or emotions will be rendered unable to speak.
- Commandment of Selflessness: Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self.
- Commandment of Truth: Anyone who lies or goes back on their word will be turned to stone.
Mark of the Rose: Allows JB to place a rose mark on his target which if the target has any malice or violent intent on him, they will explode.
Optimal Prime: Allows JB to be in his prime state regardless of his age making him appear 18-21 years old.
Inventory: Allows JB to store any object in another dimension and pull them out anytime he wants. The ability is similar to Pocket Space having no limit to how much item he can store but in a ideal more manner as pulling out large obects from his pockets or bag may seem weird to surronding people. It also keeps the items organized similar to how you would view an inventory in a video game.
Magic Reversal: Reverse the effect of any magic back to the caster.
Infinite Gravity: Increase the force of gravity in a certain area.
Dance Revolution: JB releases a powerful sound wave that is capable of pushing his enemies away. He can further increase this ability by combining it with his Amplification technique.
EVO: JB has nanites bonded to him on a molecular level granting him the ability to control his nanites at will, which allows him to generate various machinery from his body. He can also use his nanites to communicate with a variety of machines, as well as cure some EVOs of their mutations.
Nanite absorption: Allows JB to drain the nanites out of other EVOs, resulting in the EVO being petrified and turned into a stone statue. The EVOs that have been turned to stone are actually alive in their petrified state.
Cross Fusion: Allows JB to merge two NetNavi together into one being or merge himself with a NetNavi while possessing two consciousnesses. Formerly, this was only achievable through the use of a Synchro Chip while in a Dimensional Area. However, JB has enhanced the Synchro Chip allowing him to use the ability anywhere.
Reverse Cross Fusion: Allows JB to reverse the effect of Cross Fusion.
Warp Touch: Allows JB to warp anything he touches to a different location or dimension.
Wall Crawl: Allows JB to walk or crawl on walls similar to Spider-Man.
Fallen Dragon: Summon a demon dragon that breathes purple flames that can burn anything to ash, the smoke from its flames causes intense psychedelic effects if inhaled.
Shadow Binding: Allows JB to paralyze a target by stepping on their shadow.
Universal Key: Allows JB to conjure a key that can open any door in any universe and dimension.
Horror of Akatsuki: Hidan slashes the opponent with his Triple-Bladed Scythe, creating an opening for Kakuzu, who grabs them and throws them at the ground. Zetsu emerges from the ground with his flytrap extensions "chewing" the opponent as he spins upwards. Deidara and Sasori attack from a distance with C1 birds and a flamethrower, causing an explosion. Orochimaru shapes the explosion into a fiery whirlwind, which Itachi further incinerates with Amaterasu. After it explodes, Kisame slashes the opponent through the remains of the explosion with Samehada, clearing the path for Konan, who flies above and pins them with numerous paper spears. At the end, Pain finishes with Shinra Tensei.
God: Nativity of a World of Trees - Allows the user to manipulate the roots of the God Tree, spreading them around the entire world to encase those caught within the Infinite Tsukuyomi in the roots' bark. By ensnaring all living beings and connecting them to the tree, similar to cocoons, this will keep their now-slumbering bodies alive so long as they remain attached, while sapping their chakra. At the same time, this assimilates every victim to the God Tree, regathering the chakra into one location, in order to sprout a new fruit. It is one of the Jutsu with the greatest expansive power, spreading throughout the planet.
Wind Style: Air Force - Burst of air is released from the palm of the hand similar to an air cannon.
Wind Style: Turbulence - Creates a vortex of wind around JB pushing everything away. Similar to Shinra Tensei but with lesser force.
Last Insanity: JB charges forward in the target direction while rotating and spraying fire from his flamethrower.
Arc of Time: Last Ages - Allows the user to rewind time around the world at the cost of their own life span.
Asteroid: Asteroid is a weaker version of Meteor but rather than launching a large cube projectile, it splits into multiple pieces and launches at the target at a straight line.
Viper: Viper is a weaker version of Asteroid and can be recognized by the sharp angles it performs as its trajectory changes.
Meteor: Meteor is a projectile which appears as a luminous trail once shot. On impact, it explodes with a flash, releasing a large amount of smoke.
The Visionary: JB has the ability to turn fantasy into reality.
Reflection Fortress: Allows JB to conjure a shield to reflect back attacks at double the power.
Perfect HP: Allows JB to be immune to any and all diseases in the entire multiverse making him perfectly healthy.
Starlight Fusion: Allows JB to fuse with any Pokemon or Digimon forming an armor fusion. The fusion lasts for 1 hr and has a cooldown of 7 hrs to be able to fuse with the same Pokemon and/or Digimon.
Quantum Cloak: Allows JB to turn invisible. This is ability is quite advance as it makes him undetectable from any heat detector or motion detector completely erasing his presence making it the perfect stealth ability.
Flux Capacitor: Allows JB to keep certain abilities active 24/7 with minimum usage of its power source.
List of Active Abilities:
- Danger Sense (Quirk)
- Perfect HP
- Inventory
- Language Sync
- Optimal Prime
- X-Antibody
- Moku Moku no Mi
Final Payload: Rest In Paradise - JB's ultimate self sacrificing attack which requires him to deplete all his power source (life force, curse energy, magicules, mana, ki, energy, chakra, pip, etc). JB enters his Limit Breaker mode and charges his right hand by focusing all his power source to it similar to his Positron Laser ability. After depleting all his power source to near 0%, JB will release the energy from his hand directly to his target obliterating it from existence.
Retractable Adamantium Claw: Allows JB to house beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms six retractable 12-inch long adamantium claws, three in each arm. JB can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his regeneration. The claws are very sharp and dense enough to slice through anything with the exception of adamantium made objects. (X-Men Wolverine)
Soul Transfer: Allows JB to transfer his soul or another person's soul to another body.
Soul Snare: Allows the JB to ensnare the soul of his target.
Ninjutsu: Wolf Seal Heavenly Prison Release (Okami no fuin ten goku no kaiho) - JB releases his Wolf Seal Heavenly Prison Seal to regain his true form allowing him to access all of his powers at maximum 100% strength. JB depicts this as revealing his true form to the world.
Ninja Art; Divine Tree of Yggdrasil - JB summon the Sacred Tree Yggdrasil who is tasked to neutralize JB's target with its branches. While sprouting out of the ground, its branches chases its target until captured entangling them completely.
Card Dimension: Allows the JB to trap souls within a card similar to how Maximillion Pegasus from Yu-gi-oh sealed Kaiba's soul in a card.
Transonic Impact: JB moves in transonic speed to punch his target leaving them little or no time to react. The force of the punch is equivalent to getting hit by a wrecking ball at 760 mph. However, this ability does have a drawback as JB cannot use it multiple times due to his cells not being able to absorb oxygen when using this move.
Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider - JB concentrates his flames into white-hot points on his fingertips and emits beams of fire to slice through his target.
Flashfire Fist: Prominence Burn - JB uses the full might of his flames to emit a concentrated beam of heat from his body that is used to vaporize his target.
Secret Arts: Spirit Ressurection - JB regenerates the damaged body of a deceased target, then returns the available and intact soul of a deceased target to its body, resurrecting the target.
Divine Shield: An ability that creates shields of light capable to block any ordinary weapon or magic.
Quantum Loop: Allows JB to trap his target(s) in an endless time loop repeating the same scenario, occurance, or day over and over. This ability tends to make his target(s) go insane. Unlike Izanami which traps the target under a Genjutsu, this ability traps the target physically.
S-Rank Techniques:
Decay Touch
Absofusion Technique
Cross Fusion Matter
Reversal Cross Fusion
DNA Splicer Technique
Ruudar (Black iron chain emerges from the ground and entangles the target)
Perous (Release dark slicing wave of energy)
Dark Firus Technique
Wolf Slash Meteor Shower
Electromagnetic Flash
Super Ghost Kamekaze Attack
Roar of the Beast King
Divine Wind Dragon Thunder
Ginrei Kojaku
Majin Beam (Turns target into any type of candy)
Cosmic Blazer
[Wind] - Wu Eye Crest - Wind
[Fire] - Wu Eye Star - Fire
[Earth] - Wu Eye Crater - Earth
[Water] - Wu Eye Neptune - Water
Scatter Destructo Disc
Psionic Blades (X-Men Psylocke)
God Slicer Technique
God Split Cut Technique
Violent Fierce God Slicer (Scythe) Technique
Thousand Needles
Terror Force (Wargreymon Style)
Solar Flash
Thunder Cracker
Twisted Fury
Ragnarok Dust
Scatter Solarbeam
Death Beam Fury
7 Stones of Destruction
Uranus World Shaking
Positron Laser
Ginrei Kojaku - Rain of a Thousand Arrows
Meteor Crush
Infinite Beam Mirror
Basara Flash
Wind Tunnel/Kazaana Technique (Right hand only)
Heaven Curse Mark Wings Technique
Laser Vision (X-Men Cyclops)
Explosive Card Technique (X-Men Gambit)
Lightning Devastation
Getsuga Jujishu
Lightning Devastation: Cluster Mine
Final Kamehameha
Big Bang Kamehameha
Summoning duel monsters to life (Yugioh)
Immortality (JB semi-sealed this ability as he does not want to live forever)
Dragon Force Kamekameha
Light Sword of Judgement
Galaxy Impact
Mind Reading
A-Rank Technique:
Kaioken Technique (x10 & x20)
Explosive Shuriken Technique
Explosive Shuriken Technique: Hell of Carnage
Soul Self Technique (Teen Titan Raven Style)
Eye Mind Reading Technique
Galick Gun
Final Flash
Desparado Blaster
Desolation Claw
Divine Attack: Searing Flame
Divine Wind: Cyclone
Super Kamehameha
Heylin Power Tsunami Water Blade Ice
Meteor Mash
B-Rank Technique:
Spirit Bomb
Final Buster
Energy Blast
God Slicer Dance
Getsuga Tensho
Spirit Gun
Flare Rockets
Fist of the Beast King
Atila Thunderbolt
Shadow Force
Black Dragon Technique
Vortex Dark Blaze
Vortex Dark Lightning
Fusion Flare
Spike Projection
Skydive Scorcher
Slicing Sound Wave
C-Rank Technique:
Special Beam Cannon
Solar Flare Technique
Tri Beam Cannon
Fire Blast
Zap Cannon
Destructo Disc
Flash Cannon
Hydro Cannon
Razor Shell
Solar Form
Ice Beam
Corona Blaster
Blast Burn
Magma Storm
Aero Blast
Energy Blast
Draco Meteor
Inferno Gust
Ember Swarm
Flame Wheel
Luster Purge
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Flare Blitz
Pyro Blaster
Shock Wave
Diamond Storm
Shadow Strike
Skeletal Strike
Lightning Javalin
Sonic Cannon
Speed Force: Super Speed
Masenko Ha
Water Shuriken
Aura Sphere
Wind Slash
Spirit Gust
Splasher Technique
Blaze Kick
Thunder Fist/Thunder Punch
Tai Lung Nerve Strike
Finger Beam
Crimson Lightning
Grisly Wing
Starters Final Evolution